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MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø

The role of kelp export in shaping adjacent benthic ecosystems: steps for international collaboration

Alternativ tittel: Eksport av tare og dens rolle for bentiske økosystemer nær tareskogen: steg for internasjonalt samarbeid

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Tareskog er blant verdens ikoniske økosystemer. De danner komplekse habitater som huser rike samfunn med høyt biologisk mangfold. Men naturlige og menneskeskapte forstyrrelser påvirker tareskogene globalt. Endringer i tarens biomasse har blitt påvist i ulike regioner, både i Australia, Spania, Portugal, Frankrike, Sverige, USA, Japan og Canada. Klimaendringer og beiting av kråkeboller er blant de antatte forstyrrelsene. I Norge eksporteres mer enn 80% av tareproduksjonen til økosystemer utenfor tareskogen, men tarens rolle i å forsyne disse økosystemene er i liten grad forstått. Derfor ønsker forskere fra flere land der tareskog er et viktig økosystem å øke forståelsen for årsakene til endringer i tareskogen og hvordan dette påvirker andre økosystemer.

Kelp forests are one of the most iconic ecosystems in the world, forming complex systems that provide a major source of primary production and support rich and diverse communities. However, natural and anthropogenic stressors are impacting kelp forests on a global scale. In recent decades, major changes in kelp biomass due to ocean warming, eutrophication and sea urchin grazing have been documented in Australia, Spain, Portugal, France, Sweden, the United States, Japan and Canada. In Norway, over 80% of the kelp production is exported to adjacent ecosystems, but the role played by kelp detritus in fueling adjacent benthic communities is poorly understood. The need to better understand the processes affecting kelp production and regime shifts, and the resulting impact on adjacent ecosystems has been recognized by a number of countries where kelp is a key ecosystem and a major service provider. The aim of KELCO is to bring together national and international experts with different scientific backgrounds on kelp and benthic ecology to share data and information and identify and strengthen synergies among ongoing research projects. Scientifically, the workshop will facilitate discussions, allowing for comparisons of ecosystems with different drivers, both environmental and anthropogenic, at a large geographic scale. Strategically, the workshop will provide the necessary framework for data and knowledge sharing amongst leading world scientists, strengthening cooperation and promoting future research collaborations. Twenty participants from Norway and abroad (UK, Denmark, UK, Spain, Canada and Australia) will be invited to discuss and share data and knowledge during a 2-day workshop. This workshop will further strengthen existing collaborations and promote new ones, undoubtedly enhancing kelp research and providing an excellent framework from which to move forward our understanding of the role play by kelp export in shaping benthic communities.


MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø