Hovedmålet med ALGAE TO FUTURE (A2F) prosjektet har vært å bidra til å legge grunnlaget for industriell mikroalgeproduksjon i Norge med bruk av norske naturressurser. Prosjektet har undersøkt algenes potensial til å produsere høykvalitets proteiner, fettsyrer og karbohydrater til bruk i mat og fôr.
Prosjektets norske og utenlandske forsknings- og næringslivspartnere har etablert et samarbeid innen mange ulike aspekter av algedyrking og bruk av algebiomasse til mat og fôr som vil komme norsk industri til nytte. Prosjektet har utviklet dyrkingsteknikker for produksjon av spesialisert algebiomasse som har blitt tatt videre for testing og produktutvikling mot sluttprodukter innen mat og fiskefôr. Prosjektet har dratt nytte av fasilitetene for oppskalert algedyrking både på Mongstad og NIBIO Ås, og innføring av mikroalgedyrking i landbruket har blitt testet ut i en pilot ved gårdsbruk i Stryn ledet av Folvengaard AS.
I A2F har eksperter innen mikroalgeteknologi, fotobioreaktordesign, stressfysiologi, bioraffinering, matkvalitet, bioøkonomi, fiskefôr, ølbrygging og brødbaking samvirket for å finne fram til gode tekniske og industrielle løsninger som kan skape en framtidig mikroalgebasert produksjon innen landbruk, havbruk og prosessindustri.
Partnerne i konsortiet har etablert interaksjoner mellom forskning, industri og forbrukere for å finne fram til hvordan algebiomasse kan brukes i fremtidens mat- og fôrproduksjon. A2F har utviklet tre verdikjeder med mikroalger som har optimalisert innhold av proteiner, stivelse og omega-3 fettsyrer, til eksempelproduktene brød, øl og fiskefôr.
Mattrygghet og forbrukeraksept har blitt tillagt stor vekt i arbeidet. A2Fs visjon har vært å utvikle en kunnskaps- og teknologiplattform for fremtidig produksjon av forskjellige produkter basert på mikroalger. Partnerne i A2F har derfor vært opptatt av rekruttering og utdannelse av unge forskere. Det har vært stor fokus på å sikre bred distribusjon og anvendelse av prosjektets resultater. A2F partner Folvengaard AS ble tildelt Landbrukets Innovasjonspris 2020 for implementering av mikroalgedyrking på et gårdsbruk, dette i tett samarbeid med NIBIO.
The production of microalgae, and the use of microalgae as an ingredient in food and feed products, is an up and coming industry in Europe, which Norway until now could not really be considered as part of. This is in the process of changing, slowly we get new, small microalgae companies also in Norway. The results obtained through the ALGAE TO FUTURE project are highly useful for these emerging microalgae production industries on topics such as bioreactor technology, cultivation technology, pretreatment of microalgae biomass, storage conditions. Innovations with potential importance for the food industry has also been accomplished. Microalgae as ingredients to improve the quality of traditional food products, exemplified by increased nutrient content in bread, has shown potential for further development into new products acceptable for the consumers. Another example is microalgae as active ingredient in brewing, which in this project has shown great promise in the development of new and innovative beer products which both research- and industry partners on this topic are eager to follow up and further develop. The third example product which has been explored in this project, is microalgae for fish feed, which also have shown promising results. Microalgae as successful feed ingredient in the aquaculture industry has a large market potential, due to the considerable market size.
Hence the ALGAE TO FUTURE project has brought project partners forward in many aspects such as microalgae cultivation and processing, food/ feed production. Insight into other partners competence and plans lays the basis for future co-operation/project developments taking the ALGAE TO FUTURE knowledge basis further. Also networks are being built, new constellations emerge both nationally and internationally, as well as between research institutes and industry and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the project has provided a broad dissemination of information about project activities to stakeholders and the general public through different media both nationally and internationally. We believe that the outcomes of this project will be important for future research and industrial development of microalgae technology as was outlined in the ALGAE TO FUTURE vision, and is also documented already by both new project developments, project proposals to inter alia the RCN, EU and the EEA, as well as joint research and industry developments.
By targeting microalgae, ALGAE2FUTURE (A2F) intends to explore their potential to be low-carbon-footprint healthy ingredients for future food and feed.
The main objective of A2F is to lay the foundation for industrial microalgae production in Norway, utilizing natural resources and waste streams from existing production lines within agriculture, aquaculture and process industry.
This concerted Norwegian-Dutch-Portuguese- Spanish-Belgian-Japanese research initiative will be facilitated by employing the Microalgae Pilot facility at Mongstad, and a network of photobioreactors used for microalgae cultivation throughout Norway, in order to provide algae biomass for application testing and product evaluation in a co-innovation framework with industry end-users.
A Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) will be performed based on the production line at the Cluster of Farmers headed by Folven Gård.
Partners will interact with their relevant scientific and commercial expertise in disciplines and fields such as microalgae technology, stress physiology, biorefining, baking technology, fish nutrition and feed technology, food quality and safety, bioeconomy, broadcast journalism and animation. Together with a Multi-Actor team (Reference Group), consisting of a wide panoply of end-users, the Consortium will ensure optimal interactions between research, industry and consumers for future food and feed.
A2F will develop three approved microalgal production chains demonstrating the potential of various uses of algal biomass rich in respectively starch, protein and omega-3-fatty acids. A2F focuses on food safety aspects of the products for their market acceptance.
All parties involved will pay special attention to the recruiting and training of young researchers, including master students, PhDs and Post docs.
There will be a number of mobility activities throughout the project period.
A2F will implement a Communication Strategy for optimal exploitation and dissemination of Project results.