Hovedmålet med Innotraining-prosjektet var å fremme maritime simulatorer og trening ved å ta i bruk og utvikle utvidet virkelighetsteknologi (XR) for utdanning. Prosjektet har utviklet to Future Training Simulator (FTS) prototyper ved bruk av VirtualReality (VR), teknologi, nemlig VR-brosimulator og avansert brannslukking, søk og redningssimulator. Den avanserte brannslokkings-, søk- og redningssimulatoren er allerede kommersialisert (K-Sim-sikkerhet). VR-brosimulatoren inkluderer avansert ytelsesvurdering og tilbakemeldingsverktøy med øyesporingsfunksjoner som kan spore brukernes øyeposisjoner (blikksporing) mens de betjener simulatoren. Troverdigheten til disse simulatorene ble vurdert gjennom empiriske eksperimenter, og resultatene blir formidlet til fordel for det vitenskapelige fellesskapet.
Det globale XR-markedet er i rask endring og et behov for opplæringsløsninger for «distanselæring» og tilgjengeliggjøring av simulatorer i skyen er nå ettertraktet. Lærdommene fra prosjektet har bidratt til å fremme kunnskap på dette området og det er igangsatt et arbeid med å evaluere nye plattformer som egner seg for VR-bruk i skymiljøet.
Outcome: -Research reports covering state of the art in VR technology and VR applications in professional training
-FTS VR-prototypes covering different areas of maritimetraining
-Eye-tracking based objective performance assessment methodology for evaluating student performance
-Empirical validation of the FTS prototypes through experiments comparing with the existing simulators
-Valuable knowledge wrt enabling VR-tech.in cloud environment.
Impact: The project has accelerated innovation in MET by advancing state of the art in maritimesimulators through the use of VR tech. Results from the project will have an impact on upcoming simulator products in maritime industry and also on other safety-critical domains that rely on simulators for delivering training. Also, the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for remote training solutions that could still provide opportunities for realistic training. This has further strengthened the value of the project and its outcomes.
Lack of necessary competence and skills may result in inadequate, unsafe actions, which potentiate vulnerabilities of the systems and sequentially bring about human, environmental, financial, legal, and reputational losses. Efficient training is therefore critically required for dealing with both of the routine and non-routine situations. Simulator training has seen its growth and effectiveness since last two decades. Other domains e.g., process, nuclear, medicine and aviation have embraced and integrated the recent technological development into trainingsimulators, maritime sector is still lagging behind. We are proposing to move a step further in the world of maritimetrainingsimulators by integrating recent technological development from Virtual, Augmentedand Mixed Reality.
InnoTraining aims at providing flexible, technologically enhanced, intuitive, effective trainingand performance assessment solutions. An implicit objective of the project is to harness the potential of virtualand artificial experiences. In concrete terminology, this will allow us to create a virtual environment in which maritime operators can train and develop their technical and collaborative skills required to ensure safe and efficient operations.
Following research challenges need to be solved to reach proposed Future Training Simulator (FTS).
How to interface and integrate existing maritimetraining simulator with VR headset?
How to deploy AR into virtual environment for enhanced learning?
How to combine and interface virtualandaugmentedReality to develop first prototype of FTS?
How to develop method for evaluating performance in FTS?
What are the most suitable means of interaction with digital and real components in FTS?
What is the effectiveness of FTS i.e. learning learning outcome of FTS as compared to traditional simulators.
How to reach a final product from all findings in aforementioned challenges.