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JPIFACCE-Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change

Networking in Europe on soil carbon sequestration

Tildelt: kr 99 999

Økt binding av organisk karbon i jord er et viktig tiltak for landbrukssektoren for å oppfylle de ambisiøse kutt i klimagassutslipp som er satt opp i Paris-avtalen. Behovet for økt forskning på jordkarbon blir understreket i melding til Stortinget : «Klimaplan for 2021-2030». Klimaendringer er et internasjonalt problem og løsninger må finnes felles, som har ført til utviklingen av internasjonale nettverk og initiativer som FACCE JPIs Thematic Annual Programming (TAP); Global Research Alliance for Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA); 4-per-1000 initiativet; European Join Program on Soils (EJP Soil; 2020) og den planlagte International Research Consortium on Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration (SOCA-IRC 2021). Alle disse initiativer tar sikte på å fremme det internasjonale samarbeidet og koordineringen av nasjonale forskningsprosjekter om karbonlagring i jordbruksjord og kutt i klimagassutslipp. Vårt prosjekt «Networking in Europe on soil carbon sequestration» ga delvis støtte til deltagelse av norske representanter til disse nettverkene, og særlig til lanseringen av EJP Soil-prosjektet. I 2020, bidro NIBIO med EJP-partnere til en paneuropeisk kartlegging av forskningsbehov på jordkarbon og klimasmart landbruk. For å få svar på noen av disse spørsmålene vil NIBIO delta i 5 nye EJP-forsknings- og synteseprosjekter som starter i 2021.

The present small project has contributed to the initial participation to the JPI TAP Soil activities (Brussels Meeting in 2018, initial goal). The JPI TAP Soil network itself stopped to function after 2018 and its activities became integrated in EJP Soil, which started in February 2020. Within the framework of EJP, NIBIO has contributed in 2020 to a pan-European mapping of research needs on soil C and climate-smart soil management. To answer some of these questions, NIBIO will participate to 5 new EJP research and synthesis projects starting in 2021. The present project (NFR270624) has also contributed to assembling the National Hub of the EJP Soil project. The main outcome of the present project is therefore the facilitation on necessary networking activities within EJP Soil. These activities will lead to improved and standardized methods for carbon sequestration in agricultural soils in the years to come.

Increased sequestration of organic carbon in soils in one of the key measures for the agricultural sector to meet the ambitious mitigations goals set up by the IPCC. In Norway, the importance of this topic has been emphasized notably in the report "Agriculture and Climate Change" in 2016 and in the budget proposition of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food for 2017. This development of knowledge and technologies for sequestration of organic carbon in agricultural soils is currently ongoing at NIBIO and NMBU, with several key projects on this topic. Climate change mitigation is in essence an international issue, where solutions have to be found in common. In this context, the new initiative of FACCE JPI's Thematic Annual Programming (TAP) aim at promoting the international cooperation and coordination of national research projects on soil quality and carbon storage. Therefore, participation of the present NIBIO-NMBU consortia to the JPI TAP activities and network will further strengthen our research activities and we will benefit from (and contribute to) harmonization and planning at the EU level on the crucial topic of increasing the sequestration of organic carbon in soils.

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JPIFACCE-Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
