Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom HydrogenPro, det galvaniseringselskapet Elplatek og det Danske Teknologisk Institut. Hensikten er å utvikle og demonstrere optimaliserte høyytelse elektroder for storskala høytrykks alkaliske elektrolysører. Målet er å doble produksjonskapasiteten til en elektrolysør samtidig som produksjonskostnadene ikke øker vesentlig. Forsøkene gjennomført med testanlegget bekrefter opprinnelig laboratorieforsøk og viser at den nye typen elektroder har en vesentlig høyre virkningsgrad sammenliknet med vanlige kommersielle elektroder.
The outstanding performance of the new electrode technology has been sucessfully demonstrated in full scale. This represents a major competitive advantage as compared with existing electrode technology. A commercialisation of this technology is now under way.
The ambition is to develop the most efficient large scale RE storage solution globally by using optimized high performance electrodes for the large-scale high-pressure alkaline electrolyser. The output from a conventional cell stack is expected to be increased by 100% with increased efficiency, while increasing the price of the electrolyzers with less than 10%. The main activity is to test the new high-performance electrodes under realistic operating conditions in a large-scale high-pressure alkaline electrolyzer and verify the preliminary test results.
The project is divided into three phases:
1. Technical analysis and preparation
Consolidate the manufacturing process of the electro-catalytically active coating based upon non-precious metals and to ensure full scalability in the production.
2. Pretest and long-term tests
Performance tests of the of new electrodes. The quality parameters of the new electrodes, optimum operating parameters and operating costs will be assessed.
Establish techniques for analysing the electroplating bath for decomposition products formed during the use of the electrolyte in order to improve the durability continuously.
3. Evaluation, reporting and conclusion
Verify results and document increased H2 output. The documentation should be at a level to be used for scientific articles and for marketing of the renewable energy storage solution based on high-performance electrodes in high-pressure alkaline electrolyzers.
Major technical challenges: 1. Obtaining a high electroplating bath stability and 2. Verification of electrode durability under realistic operation conditions.