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CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering

Conference on Future Perspectives on Carbon Capture and Storage

Tildelt: kr 73 523

Entering into the final year and approaching the end of the FME SUCCESS Centre, the partners have started preparing for the important milestone of summing up the Centre results. In this context, the SUCCESS Board and partners see great value in presenting all the Centre findings, but also wish to look beyond the status of the ongoing research and address issues concerning a future successful acceleration of CCS deployment. This has resulted in a more ambitious plan to organize an extended FME-SUCCESS final conference over two or three days, where the first day will address future perspectives of CCS in an international context. Day 2 will contain scientific presentations from SUCCESS partners on achieved results during the Centre period, followed by a day 3 with a workshop tentatively entitled "beyond FME-SUCCESS". This application concerns the plans and funding of the first day of this Conference, with the working title: Future Perspectives on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Day 2 and 3 will be funded through FME SUCCESS funding. There are many conferences on CCS focusing on the status of ongoing research and projects. However, a major challenge for global deployment of CCS is the lack of launching new commercial projects. This conference therefore aims at looking beyond the status of CCS and bring to table a wider view on relevant and critical issues that are important to successful deployment and acceleration of CCS, including transnational and national policymaking, learnings from ongoing CCS investments and operations, strategic industry business perspectives and new key industry initiatives. This aligns with the mandate of CLIMIT, to develop technology and solutions that can significantly contribute to cost reductions and broad international deployment of CO2 capture and storage. The conference will emphasize drivers that give direction to and increase the pace of CCS technology development and implementation. Amini-workshop is planned at Sensenet as a follow-up of the Conference Day 1 and the results from this workshop will be compiled and summarized in a memo/report.


CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering