Den raske teknologiutviklingen i retning automatisering og digitalisering, vil endre olje- og gass-industriens arbeidsmåte og kompetansekrav. Dette skjer i en tid med økt konkurranse om talent, og der analytiske evner og digitale ferdigheter er essensielle for utvikling og effektiv bruk av nye verktøy. Digitalisering basert på åpen kildekode fremmer samarbeid og kommunikasjon mellom ulike aktører, gir økt fleksibilitet og potensiale for innovasjon, og vil fremskynde teknologi- og innovasjonsoverføring fra forskningsinstitusjoner til industripartnere. Partnerne i prosjektet InSPiRE vil etablere langsiktig aktivt samarbeid mellom institusjoner i Norge, Tyskland og Frankrike. InSPiRE er bygget på forskningssamarbeid mellom partnere fra universiteter i Heidelberg og Stuttgart, Université Cote d'Azur og BRGM - de franske geologiske undersøkelser.
Hovedfokus for InSPiRE er å initiere og utvide samarbeid innen forskning og utdanning (F&U) mellom de involverte universitetene og institusjonene gjennom felles utvikling av open-source simuleringsprogramvare. Videre tar en sikte på å integrere relevant industri i samarbeidet. Partnerne i InSPiRE består av internasjonalt anerkjente eksperter innen områder som CO2-sekvestrasjon, geotermisk energi og forbedret oljeutvinning.
Ved å øke utvekslingen av F&U basert åpen programvare mellom F&U institusjoner og industripartnere, vil InSPiRE i siste instans fremme innovasjon på disse områdene.
Within the project we organized workshops in Norway and in France as well as a summer schools in Norway within open-source software development. These meetings were organized jointly between the communities of OPM, DUNE, DuMux , and ComPASS to increase visibility and collaboration.
The main benefit of the project has been the establishment of a long-term international partnership between Germany, France, and Norway which strengthens collaboration in the development of open-source software for modeling and simulation. This facilitates education and knowledge sharing through exchanges between researchers. The project will also greatly benefit all involved partners for future joint project proposals.
The rapid progress of technology towards automation and digitalization is very likely to transform the nature of the oil and gas (O&G) industry's work and workforce with an increased competition for talent. Digital literacy skills are becoming increasingly important, including analytic capabilities, development of new software and intelligent hardware, and the ability to effectively use such new tools. Successful digitalization efforts will likely be based on open-source software solutions since these are naturally easy to adapt to new challenges, allow for easier cross-institution and cross-company collaboration and accelerate technology and innovation transfer from research institutions to industry partners. With the proposed project InSPiRE, the partners will establish long-term active partnership between institutions in Norway, Germany, and France. InSPiRE is built on existing research collaborations between the partners, in the form of 1) the Stuttgart Research Partnership (NUPUS) based in Stuttgart, and 2) the collaborative software development in the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment (DUNE) framework. The DUNE project started in 2002 and is based in Heidelberg and Stuttgart and other universities and research institutes in Germany and Europe, among these the International Research Institute of Stavanger (IRIS). The main focus for the proposed project InSPiRE is to initiate and expand collaboration on research and education (R&E) within open-source simulation software between the involved universities and institutes and further to integrate relevant industry into the different university collaborations. Partners of InSPiRE are internationally well recognized experts in fields such as CO2 sequestration, geothermal energy and enhanced oil recovery. With the increased exchange among R&E institutions as well as industry partners through R&E based on open-source software InSPiRE will ultimately foster innovation.