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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

ExndMinnow - The Minnesota - Norway Collaboration for excellence in education and research on adaptation to climate change

Alternativ tittel: ExndMinnow - Samarbeid om forskning og undervisning innen infrastruktur og klimatilpasning

Tildelt: kr 1,7 mill.

ExndMinnow -prosjektet var et samarbeid mellom SINTEF, University of Minnesota (UMN) og Norges teknisk -naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU). Bakgrunnen for dette prosjektet var Klima2050, som er et Sentre for forskningsdrevet innovasjon (SFI) mellom SINTEF og NTNU. SFI Klima 2050 vil redusere sosiale risikoer knyttet til klimaendringer i det bygde miljøet: utvikling av fuktsikre bygninger, overvannshåndtering, blågrønne løsninger og tiltak for forebygging av vannutløste skred. I tillegg vil det bli forsket på sosioøkonomiske insentiver og beslutningsprosesser for klimatilpasning. ExndMinnow-prosjektet fortsatte utviklingen av SINTEF, UMN og NTNUs felles forsknings- og utdanningssamarbeid. Dette inkluderte felles kurs og utdanning. ExndMinnow støttet også forskerutdanning på master- og doktorgradsnivå.

ExndMinnow strengthened international collaboration, including joint research and educational activities, between the United States and Norway. With support from ExndMinnow, the University of Minnesota (UMN) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) have demonstrated that both in-person and hybrid/digital courses between the two academic institutions are possible and can be implemented successfully. Examples included the "Methods for Environmental Engineering" field course for UMN students at NTNU and the UMN "Environmental Microbiology" course for NTNU students. Despite prolonged global disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ExndMinnow supported key research and educational activities among UMN, NTNU, and the Norwegian research institute, SINTEF, enabling the international partnership to continue into the post-pandemic period and beyond. This support included researcher mobility from the US to Norway as well as joint scientific publications to peer-reviewed journals, involving both professional researchers and MS/PhD students as co-authors. ExndMinnow also supported and enabled international co-supervision of an NTNU PhD candidate among the three institutes for the first time ever, as well as postdoctoral work at NTNU by a UMN graduate. Together, these activities have strengthened the international partnership on topics of strategic importance to water infrastructure and climate adaptation in Norway—the benefits of this partnership expected to endure into the future.

The basis for this INTPART application is the Center for Researched-based Innovations, Klima 2050. The overall goal of Klima 2050 is to reduce the societal risks associated with climate changes and enhanced precipitation and flood water exposure within the built environment. Emphasis will be placed on development of moisture-resilient buildings, stormwater management, blue-green solutions, measures for prevention of water-triggered landslides, socio-economic incentives and decision-making processes. Three institutions form the core team for the partnership; SINTEF Research Institute, The University of Minnesota (UMN), and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). NTNU is the Norwegian higher education institution with degree programs at BSc, MSc, and PhD level. The partners of the Klima 2050 consortium will be connection points for relevant activities and specifically for innovation ideas, where the consortium of partners and the innovation arena of Klima 2050 play key roles. It is the aim of the project to utilize the full partnership of the Klima 2050 This project contributes towards INTPART overall objective to develop world-class research and education in Norway by combining two high ranked academic intuitions, a world class research institute and the collaboration with the private and public partners of Klima 2050 to form a very strong team. Specifically the: - The partnership focuses on one of the biggest challenges of the societal adaptation to climate change. - The partnership builds on established relationship and collaborations to them to the next level making them long term through activities that will live beyond the life of the project. - The partnership includes two public universities with strategic vision and commitment to student change opportunities. - It will educate and foster students and doctoral candidates with world class research skills through collaboration with the Klima 2050 research training center.

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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research