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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Intelligent Circular Manufacturing research and educational collaboration with India and Japan

Alternativ tittel: Intelligent sirkulær produksjon, forsknings- og undervisningssamarbeid mellom Norge, India og japan

Tildelt: kr 2,9 mill.

MAN-projektet; Intelligent Circular Manufacturing research and educational collaboration with India and Japan INMAN ?prosjektet er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Norge, Japan og India med fokus på sirkulær vareproduksjon. Prosjektet har sitt utspring i SFI Manufacturing der sirkulær produksjon er et viktig tema. NTNU er den norske partneren og internasjnonale partnere er Japan National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (AIST), Waseda University, Japan ig Indian Institute of Technology i Hyderabad. De japanske partnerene er globalt ledende inne feltet og IIT er på sterk fremmarsj i et land som er i ferd med å bli en ny supermakt innen vareproduksjon. Sirkulær produksjon kjennetegnes ved at produkter og materialer gjenbrukes i størst mulig grad. Målet er nullforbruk av ikke-fornybare ressurser. Prosjektet vil styrke Norges internasjonale nettverk på dette området og skal bidra til forbedret kvalitet på forskning og utdanning innen området. Følgende konkrete resultater forventes av prosjektet; a) Felles forskningsprosjekt-søknader b) Felles PhD-veiledning og PhD skole c) Rammeverk for felles master innen sirkulær produksjon d) Sømløs multi-campus med deling av undervisningsmateriell e) Mobilitet for studenter, forskere og lærere f) En MOOC og et antall felles papers g) Samarbeid med industri og bidrag til innovasjoner innen sirkulær produksjon

During the project we have had physical meetings in Japan, India and Norway. We have had two summer schools: A physical summer school in 2019 and a digital in 2020 with students from all three countries attending. We have delivered 19 scientific co-authored peer reviewed publications and was a special topic on the 2019 ECO-design conference. We have also established a MOOC on Circular Manufacturing and a web-page on the topic http://circularmanufacturing.net/events/ecodesign/ Most important has been the establishment of lasting collaboration, and the establishment of the new INTPART-project CIRMAN that will take over where INMAN ended.

The INMAN-project originates from the Centre for Research-based Innovation SFI Manufacturing. SFI Manufacturing is focusing on Sustainable Innovations an Automated Manufacturing of Multi-Material Products, and Circular Manufacturing is an important goal. The host organisation of the INMAN-project will be NTNU, which is a partner in both the NCE Raufoss and the SFI Manufacturing. The international partners are: Japan National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (AIST), Waseda University, Japan and Indian Institute of Technology in Hyderabad. Our Japanese partners are global leaders in the field of advanced manufacturing. Our Indian partner is rapidly expanding its research and educational activities within the area of automotive technologies. Circular Manufacturing is of strategic importance for all partners - both research and education. Our main motivation for applying for this project is to strengthen the quality of our research and education by creating long-lasting international links with key research institutions in Japan and in India. The INMAN-project will enable us to broaden and deepen these strategic collaboration links and help us to develop relevant and world-class research and education in Norway with international validation within the area of Sustainable manufacturing and the role of Manufacturing in Circular Economy. Expected outcome will be: (i) Joint research projects with external funding from EU and other sources, (ii) Joint PhD supervision and a PhD School, (iii) a framework for a joint master degree program and joint PhD school, (iv) seamless multi-campus with shared teaching materials, (v) mobility of students, teachers and researchers and industry personnel, (vi) MOOC and joint papers, (vii) Cooperation with the industry and innovations on Circular Manufacturing in industry (viii) added value for industry partners through extended network, (ix) Strong links between research and education on Circular Manufacturing


INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research