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IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksling Norge-Tyskland

Isogeometric phase-field modeling of fatigue in slender structures

Tildelt: kr 72 290

The project aims at developing and implementing a numerical framework for the prediction of crack formation and growth due to material fatigue in engineering structures. Material fatigue is a crucial issue for the safe design of many engineering structures, and its prediction by numerical simulations is still a major challenge. This project will create a novel numerical framework for engineers to perform accurate fatigue life predictions with less effort than state-of-the-art FEM software. We focus on fatigue in thin-walled structures made of aluminum alloys and fiber reinforced composite. The numerical models are based on isogeometric analysis (IGA) for structural analysis and a phase-field description for modeling crack evolution. The developed models will be validated through experimental tests in the structural analysis laboratory of the Norwegian group. The two groups provide a perfectly complementary background and preliminary works for the objectives of this project. The project is planned for two years with regular research visits. These visits include short visits of for joint meetings (kick-off, mid-term, and final) and longer stays of the involved PhD and MSc students to closely work together with the other group. The purpose of the visits is: - Bring together experts with complementary background and common vision. - Establish personal relations between the groups, as fundament for an efficient collaboration. - Give the young researchers the chance to get to know different environments and learn from internationally renowned experts in their fields. They will get a sound expertise in the theories, and practical experience in high-end numerical simulations and their experimental validation. - Furthermore, it is envisaged that during or after completion of the project, a Master student might become a PhD student at the foreign partner's institution, which would strengthen even more the long-term perspective of this collaboration.


IS-DAAD-Forskerutveksling Norge-Tyskland