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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Collaboration on urban Water Management (CWM)

Tildelt: kr 12 609

"Nature-based solutions are inspired or supported by nature and simultaneously provide environmental, social, cultural and economic benefits. Nature-based solutions, such as well-connected green and blue infrastructure, green and unsealed surfaces in cities, green roofs, natural water retention measures [...] use the properties and functions of ecosystems to provide water regulation, flood risk protection, climate change adaptation, etc. They are designed to bring more nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and seascapes, through locally adapted and systemic interventions. They are locally attuned, resource efficient, multi-purpose, multi-functional and multi-beneficial. These key features of nature-based solutions make them different from 'grey' infrastructure, such as artificial river banks, dikes, etc. Robust EU-wide evidence of the cost-effectiveness and longer-term social, economic, cultural and ecological benefits of these solutions is currently lacking and this has prevented their wider deployment." The collaboration is dedicated to this issue, and aims to share the long-term experience of both partners. Each partner also has a strong international recognition on nature-based solutions such as Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs), although they have not worked together on such subject. This Aurora project will allow establishing a formal collaboration in order to elaborate common R&D proposals for Horizon 2020. This collaboration aims also at promoting education and training by research with exchange of PhD and MSc students. More precisely, each partner has a long term experience of SCMs regarding the following topics: design, performance assessment and long term monitoring.


IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike