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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

Secure, Efficient and Safe maritime traffic Management in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SESAME), Solution 2

Alternativ tittel: Sikker, effektiv og trygg avvikling av sjøtrafikken i Malakkastredet og Singaporestredet

Tildelt: kr 10,0 mill.





2018 - 2022


Det ble gjennomført tester gjennom hele SESAME Solution II?s siste kvartal ved Haugesund VTS teststed, Dover CNIS og skipet MV Polarlys. Ved Dover CNIS teststed har vi et Kongsberg Management Information System bestående av automatisk elektronisk skipsrapporteringstjeneste utviklet i Work Package 1. Skipsrapporter ble sendt fra Navtor Navstation og tatt imot av skipets rapporttjeneste. Testene ved Haugesund VTS og MV Polarlys ble også suksessfullt gjennomført med integrert utveksling av ruter mellom KM K-Bridge og KNC VTS ved hjelp av S-421 formatet via Navelink. Navelink er en kommersiell forekomst fra Maritime Connectivitiy Platform, en kommunikasjonsplattform spesielt utviklet til å fremme utveksling av e-navigasjonsdata. I testen ved Haugesund Polarlys ble MSI data i S-124 format sendt fra VTS gjennom Navelink. I tillegg ble det sendt SMS mellom skip og VTS via Navelink og planlagte ruter ble utvekslet med Navtor Navsation. Alle testene ble suksessfullt gjennomført og representerer en god avslutning på SESAME Solution II.

The services and technologies developed in the SESAME Solution II project will become part of the operational framework for autonomous ships (MASS), as well as the ship reporting services provided by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. Other coastal administrations are anticipated to adopt the same ship reporting services for their mandatory ship reporting systems.

SESAME II seeks to further revolutionize ship traffic management (STM) by expanding upon the testbed developed in the previous SESAME Straits project, which established a platform through which ship and shore operators could collaborate on arrival slot, optimal transit speed, and decision support in order to improve traffic flow through and make better use of port resources. Based on the results of the previous project, SESAME II will expand the testbed by introducing new e-navigation services such as: -Automated electronic ship reporting, -Just-in-time arrival slot management linked to tug, pilot and berth services, and -Route monitoring, route optimization, weather routing and pilot route services The anticipated result of these new services will be: -Improved shared situational awareness, -Reduced pollution due to increased safety and efficiency, and -Reduced administrative burden (reduced workload). A Human Centric Design approach shall be utilized throughout the technology development work packages in order to ensure the highest degree of usability and that the technology benefits the users in the intended manner. The project anticipates the following results and products: -Standard format or formats to be used for electronic ship reporting, -Understanding of the potential effects of automated electronic ship reporting on the administrative burden of ship and shore operators, -Understanding of the benefits vs. costs of implementing e-navigation services onboard and ashore, -Ship system for the automated sending of electronic ship reports, -Shore system for receiving electronic ship reports, -Just-in-time arrival shore system linked to three port services, -At least 5 new e-navigation services on ship and/or shore systems, -Harmonized display of navigational info. received via communications equipment prototype, and -Productified VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) technology

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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2