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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Braive's ASH (Assisted Self-Help) Feasability Study

Tildelt: kr 49 999




2018 - 2018

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A feasability study of Assisted Digitalised Self-Help programs for People with Mental Health Challenges including anxiety and depression. Braive is a Norwegian eHealth company founded in 2015, by clinical psychologist Henrik H Jahren. Braive develops and distributes evidence-based treatment programs for common mental health challenges, such as depression and anxiety. Over the past three years, Braive has developed a large library of short and concise, evidence-based videos to educate users on psychoeducation and techniques within CBT and other 3rd generation cognitive therapies. This library constitutes the foundation of Braive’s treatment programs available for the most common psychiatric axis 1 disorders. Braive’s has a team of 14 people, composed mostly of psychologists, software developers and content creators. In 2015, Braive’s team won the award for 'Min helse-idé' in Norway. In January 2018 Braive AS, together with their consortium partners FRISQ AB and Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital awarded funding for a 3-year Eurostar project; E!12014 ALEC. This application is for a feasibility study of Braive's Assisted Self-Help model (Braive ASH) that will be completed in 2018. This project is a continuation of an Innovation project that was completed fall 2017 where, in collaboration with Gjensidige Forsikring and Lovisenberg Diakonale Hospital. Braive's programs was in that project offered to a selection of Gjensidige's young customers (16-35y.o.) as a stand-alone, self-help treatment option. Lovisenberg's patients was given access to an Stress Regulation (HRV-focussed) program as a supplement to their HRV group sessions. The ASH project will offer Gjensidige's customers scheduled follow-up via e-consultations by Braive's support team of mental health professionals to help users through the program and reduce drop-off rates. This project is the next, and final step towards commercialisation of Braive's ASH Model in the B2B market.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020