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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

SET 11: Operating Agent - IEA Wind Task 37 on Wind Energy Systems Engineering

Tildelt: kr 0,68 mill.

IEA Wind Task 37 har som formål å etablere anbefalte metoder for systemanalyse innen vindenergi. Systemanalyse innebærer å se på helheten av et kompleks system som grunnlag for design og drift. Omfanget inkluderer både multidisiplinære fysiske modeller, og behov blant de forskellige interessente. Åtte land (Danmark, Frankrike, Kina, Nederland, Norge, Spania, Tyskland, UK, USA) deltar i Tasken. Deltagere kommer fra universiteter, forskningsinstitutter, og vindindustrien. Prosjektets høydepunkter inkluderer - Definering av en ontology for vindturbiner og vindkraftverk. En ontology er ett hierarkisk kart over systemets arkitektur, med data og grensesnittvariabler. - Definisjon av en 3.6 MW landbasert vindturbin, og i tillegg 10 MW og 15 MW offshore vindturbiner, for offentlig forskning. Turbinene er state-of-the-art design. - Definisjon av en 740 MW offshore vindkraftverk, som en case for multidisiplinær design, analyse, og optimering (MDAO). - Utføring av felles oppgaver innen MDAO av vindturbiner og vindkraftverk, for å identifisere de beste metodene.

IEA Wind Task 37 has delivered significant benefits to the wind industry. Methods associated with the Task's theme of systems engineering have been used in industry to develop the latest advanced wind turbine blades. The case studies have lead to fundamental advances in the wind plant layout optimization problem, where methods have been developed to handle multiple local minima associated with wind turbine wakes. Such advances will benefit Norwegian operators like Equinor and Aker Offshore Wind.

SINTEF Energy Research has a role as Operating Agent in IEA Wind Task 37 on Wind Energy Systems Engineering. System engineering encompasses the design and optimization of multidisciplinary models (in this case aerodynamic, structural, controls, electrical components, and electricity markets) in order to best satisfy the needs of stakeholders (owners, operators, customers, society). Focus is placed on the way in which one constructs system models, so as to give the flexibility needed to leverage different methods and component designs, as well as which algorithms and cost models are chosen to optimize the system. There are three work packages: WP1, Guidelines on a common framework for wind energy systems; WP2, Reference wind energy systems (turbines and plants); and WP3, MDAO case study activities at difference system levels (turbines and plants). SINTEF Energy Research leads WP2, and is also active in WP1 and WP3. Task Operating Agents are responsible for recruiting participants and coordinating the technical work, reporting results to the IEA Wind Executive Committee, and disseminating results publically, via publications and workshops.


ENERGIX-Stort program energi