NHH shippingkonferansen 2018 - LeaderShip 2018 arrangeres in Bergen den 4. april 2018 og er inndelt i to hovedtemaer: DIgitalisering av shipping og grønn skipsfart, som begge er sentrale tema i det nye MAROFF programmet og den nasjonale Maritim21 strategien. Arrangementet knytter sammen nøkkelpersoner som jobber innen disse temaene, styrker personlige nettverk og skaper muligheter for fremtidig samarbeid. Den gir også en platform for utveksling av ideer og konstruktive diskusjoner mellom akademia, oppstartsselskaper og etablerte shippingselskaper. Sist men ikke minst representerer konferansen en mulighet til å presentere det siste nye av forskningsresultater til norsk maritim industri ogsamt for et bredere publikum.
LeaderShip 2018 organiseres av Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) i samarbeid med Bergens Rederiforening og stiftelsen Maritime Bergen, og vil vise frem forskning fra NHH (innen digitalisering, autonome skip, skipsoperasjon), Maritime CleanTech (batterielektrisk fremdrift) og CMR Prototech/Greenstat (hydrogenbasert fremdrift).
The Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) has a long-standing tradition of arranging small-scale annual shipping seminars in co-operation with the Bergen Shipowners' Association, which sponsors the chair professorship in shipping economics currently held by professor Roar Ådland. Given the success of this event in the past, the 2018 version will be moved to the Bergen city centre and scaled up to a full-day shipping conference with a wider selection of national and international speakers from research institutions, politics, startups and shipping companies (see attached draft conference programme). The intent is to make the event more accessible to the public and participants at the national level, and to showcase a wider range of maritime research from NHH and our partners.
The conference takes place in Bergen on April 4th and is divided into two main themes - the digitalization of shipping and green shipping, both of which are core areas in the new MAROFF programme and Maritim21 national strategy. The event connects key people involved in these research areas, strengthening personal networks and creating opportunities for future collaboration. It also provides a platform for frank discussion and exchange of ideas for collaborative research between academia, startups and incumbent shipping industry players. Finally, it is an opportunity to present ongoing research and results to the Norwegian maritime industry and the wider public.
LeaderSHIP 2018 is organized by the Norwegian School of Economics in collaboration with Bergen Shipowners' Association and Maritime Bergen, and will showcase the latest research from NHH (digitalization, autonomous vessels, vessel performance management), MaritimeCleanTech (battery-electric vessels) and CMR Prototech/Greenstat (hydrogen propulsion).
MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2