Følgende aktiviteter planlegges i prosjektet:
WP1 – Market qualification
• Define regulatory and administrative framework applicable to low-temperature heat storage in each partner country (Emphasis on 100m-200m depths and environmental acceptability of -3°C /40°C temperature range)
•Develop maps showing geological and climatic macro-potential for different classes of buildings
• Develop project technical and economic assessment tool
o Method
o Architecture
o System development
o Feasibility studies for real and virtual cases
WP2 – BTES optimization
• Test UBeG’s improved Thermal Response Test technology
• Reduce drilling and exchangers installation costs in the 100-200m range (in places where technically feasible)
• Improve BTES grouting materials performance
? Use CHEAP (Thermal data catalogue and guidelines for a customized GRT)
? Use GEOCOND’s objectives & methodology
WP3 – AHS industrialization
? Use CHEAP outputs for technical inputs
• Test, validate and go live with ACCENTA.design system (engineering tool for detailed design and sizing of the solution on a project)
• Produce standard specification packages for interfacing ACCENTA STORAGE with various types of (building) heating and cooling distribution systems
WP4 – Demonstration cases - 6 countries
• Design, install and commission ACCENTA STORAGE on deep renovation projects used as demonstration cases
• Validate Capex and Opex costs
• Monitor energy and carbon performance
• Review competitive situation relative to standard market solutions
WP5 – Exploitation and market deployment
• Assess deep renovation market potential for XXX solution in each partner country
• Define national IP strategy
• Develop and roll-out XXX solution sales plans
WP6 – Training, education and dissemination
• Develop the training, education and dissemination plan
• Develop training manuals
• Develop and launch training program
WP7 – Project and consortium management