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PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Empowering Transatlantic Platforms for advanced Wireless Research

Tildelt: kr 69 999

EMPOWER will provide instruments for inducing collaboration between ongoing 5G and beyond-5G initiatives targeting wireless and networking experimentation on both ends of the Atlantic. This will be achieved (i) by stimulating interaction through transatlantic workshops conceived to raise awareness about technological advances, (ii) cataloguing and documenting software and deployment tools, (iii) identifying standardization opportunities and dissemination/demonstration avenues to encourage industrial interest. Through the EMPOWER instruments we aim to create an efficient means for stimulating the circulation of ideas and people between European experimental wireless platform initiatives and similar American initiatives such as the 5GPPP and PAWR. Furthermore, we wish to encourage stronger collaboration between fundamental and experimental wireless researchers by making access to tools and information exchange simpler. Finally, the EMPOWER instruments will provide a wealth of information for European standards setting organizations (ETSI, ITU-R) and industry fora (NGMN) as well as promoting EU and joint EU/US innovation in industry-driven technology summits. An important output of EMPOWER will also be in the form of recommendations on technologies and experimentation methodologies for future wireless experimentation objectives. This will assist in providing coordination between EU (FP8-9) and US NSF programmes for future individual and joint calls.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020