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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

BrazilNorway Production Optimization Consortium - Phase 2

Alternativ tittel: BrasilNorge Konsortium innen produksjonsoptimalisering - Fase 2

Tildelt: kr 1,4 mill.

Produksjonsoptimalisering innebærer systematisk bruk av matematiske modeller og sanntids data for å optimalisere produksjonen samtidig som man tar hensyn til operasjonelle begrensninger relatert til sikkerhet, miljøhensyn og utstyrskapasitet. Dette avstedkommer komplekse optimaliseringsproblemer, hvilket gjør det nødvendig å bruke datamaskiner for å finne løsningen. Noen ganger kan det være mulig å automatisere implementeringen av løsningen, men det er mer vanlig å presentere løsningene til produksjonsingeniører, som bruker løsningene til beslutningsstøtte til hjelp for å drifte produksjonssystemet optimalt. Produksjonsoptimalisering som metodikk kan anvendes til drift av mange typer komplekse systemer, inkludert kjemiske prosesser, energisystemer og transportsystemer. Fokus for dette prosjektet er på produksjonsoptimalisering for petroleumsindustrien. Produksjonsoptimalisering for petroleumsindustrien byr på en rekke forskningsutfordringer, både på grunn av det store spennet i tidsskalaer involvert og den store usikkerheten med hensyn på oppførselen til deler av systemet. I 2023 var det omsider mulig å gjenoppta tilnærmet normal aktivitet i prosjektet etter COVID. Prosjektets fokus er å legge til rette for forskningssamarbeid, formidling og undervisning, mens selve forskningen som sådan er finansiert fra andre kilder. En workshop innen området ble arrangert ved Petrobras' forskningsenter i Rio i mars, med meget sterk deltagelse. En cotutelle-avtale (felles PhD-grad) er etablert for en PhD kandidat, og en til er under planlegging. I tillegg til deltagelse i ovenfor nevnte workshop, har prosjektet også gjort mulig et lengre forskningsopphold ved UFSC for en PhD-kandidat, professor Camponogara (UFSC) har bidratt til undervisning innen produksjonsoptimalisering ved NTNU, samt deltagelse på Innovasjon Norges Novemberkonferanse i Rio for to NTNU-ansatte.

The project has enabled exchanges on Master, PhD and Faculty level. Two workshops on production optimization have been held, with substantial attendance both from industry and academia both in Brazil and Norway. These workshops have provided effective venues for dissemination and for improving contacts between sectors and countries. It is the belief of the project manager that workshop participation and exposure has been helpful for SolutionSeeker when they established offices in Brazil. Workshop participation has clearly also improved contacts between Petrobras and Equinor Brazil on one side and NTNU/BRU21 on the other side. In addition to dissemination at the workshops, the project has resulted in five papers in scientific journals and one conference publication. The project has contributed to education at NTNU also through prof. Camponogara (UFSC) teaching an intensive course on production optimization for Master students. A joint PhD degree between UFSC and NTNU was completed during the project, a second one has been established, and the third is in the process of being established. These PhD projects will contribute to further advances in the field of production optimization.

The term production optimization denotes systematic methods combining mathematical models, numerical optimization techniques, and real time data for the purpose of optimizing operations in energy distribution, manufacturing, processing and resource extraction. The focus of the present project will be petroleum production. The focus on petroleum production poses several distinct challenges that will be foci of research in the project: i) Any mathematical model describing physical system of non-trivial complexity will be imperfect. Hence it is critical to continuously update/correct the model from available real time data, to maximize the predictive capabilities of the model, and thus also maximize the reliability of the model in representing the potential for improved operation. This is a significant challenge, in particular for the upstream (reservoir) side of petroleum production, due to the relative lack of online data for a very large and complex system. ii) The very complex and computationally demanding models that are used to describe petroleum reservoirs and wells. This means that in order for the the production optimization methods developed to have reasonable computational demands, the models must be used with the utmost efficiency in the optimization. In addition to the research aims of the project, the project will also ensure that high quality and specialized education in production optimization is offered to Master students at NTNU, and ensure good contact between industry and academia in both countries in the production optimization area.


INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

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