Kreft skyldes celler som deler og sprer seg ukontrollert, og forståelse av kreftcellers biologi er derfor et hovedområde innen kreftforskning. Senter for kreftcelle-reprogrammering (CanCell) har som mål å identifisere kreftens "Akhilles-hæler" som vil benyttes til å reprogrammere kreftceller til å bli ufarlige.
For å styrke CanCells forskning og utdanning innen kreftcellebiologi har senterets leder og nestleder innledet et partnerskap med to verdensledende cellebiologer ved Tsinghua-universitetet i Beijing og Yunnan-universitetet i Kunming. Dette samarbeidet har innebåret fellesaktiviteter innen seminarer og undervisning, utveksling av forskere og PhD-studenter, besøk av gjesteforskere, felles symposier i Beijing, Kunming og Oslo, og felles forskningsprosjekter innen kreftcellebiologi.
Prosjektet har ført til viktig utveksling av undervisnings- og forskningsdata mellom CanCell og forskergruppene i Kina, som vil fortsette også utover prosjektperioden.
The ChiNoCell collaboration has resulted in a number of publications in the most prestigious journals within cell biology, such as Cell, Nature Cell Biology, Cell Research, and Journal of Cell Biology, and also in more general journals such as EMBO Journal and Nature Communications.
Beyond this, the collaboration has caused initiation of several new projects and paved the way for joint grant applications.
This proposal concerns research and education within the field of cancer cell biology. This is an area of biomedicine in which Norwegian research groups are making an impact internationally and two leading scientists at University of Oslo, heading a new Centre of Excellence, will now initiate collaborations with world-leading experts in China with special emphasis on training of MSc/PhD students, personnel exchange, workshops, and technology transfer.
The two Chinese partners have outstanding track records with publications in Nature, Nature Cell Biology and Science. They are affiliated with two leading research and teaching institutions - the Tsinghua University and Yunnan University.
The project will ensure an optimal utilization of the Norwegian Advanced Light Microscopy Imaging Network, which is coordinated by the project leader of ChiNoCell.
Key deliveries of AutoChiNo are: 1. At least 6 joint papers by one year after project period published in medium- to high-impact journals. 2. MSc/PhD course hosted by UiO-MED with 15 hours contribution from Chinese cell biology experts. 3. At least 10 hours of lectures/tutorials per year from CanCell experts at Yunnan University. 4. Exchange of two MSc/PhD students or postdocs from UiO to Chinese partners each year, and exchange of two PhD students or postdocs from Chinese partners to UiO each year.5. Three joint workshops - one in Oslo and two in China.
INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research