Bioenergy is one of the highly prioritised R&D areas in SINTEF Energy Research. There are 1 Centre for Environment-friendly energy research (FME), 3 knowledge-building Projects for Industry (KPN) and several Innovation Projects for the Industrial Sector (IPN), which are currently led and coordinated by Bioenergy Group in SINTEF Energy Research. Bioenergy group in SINTEF Energy Research will act as a key R&D partner in the new FME. TBiocarbon can be used a green reductant in metallurgical production process and help them to realize goal of GHG and CO2 emission and increase sustainability. In addition, biocarbon can be used a soil enhancer to increase fertility of soil and productivity of plants. In SINTEF Energy Research, there is ongoing active R&D activities about biocarbon production, characterization and utilization. Research scientist Liang Wang is heavily involved in these activities and plan to disseminate results and establishing new network and projects focusing on biochar through joining the Pyro 2018.
Research scientist Wang Liang will travel to Japan with following objectives:
1. Participating the 22nd International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (PYRO 2018) to be held in Kyoto 3-8, June.
2. Disseminating of R&D results from the projects co-funded by The Research Council of Norway in a world-class conference and attracting interests for possible interests from the researchers all over the world.
3. Meeting professors and researchers in Pyro 2018 to enhance existing cooperation and establish new network for possible joint work and projects in the area of biomass pyrolysis and biocarbon.