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CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering

Whole Value Chain CCUS Student Week

Tildelt: kr 0,20 mill.





2018 - 2018

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"Whole Value Chain Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)Conference" er en internasjonal konferanse om hel-verdikjede CCUS. Arrangementet var et samarbeid mellom Nasjonal forskerskole i petroleumsfag (NFiP) (Petroleum Research School of Norway), NorTex Petroleum Cluster, International Energy Cluster (IEC), ColNor Clean Energy Research and Education Collaboration (ColNor) og Colorado School of Mines (CSM). Av totalt 170 søkere ble 50 PhD studenter akseptert fra 9 utvalgte land: Kina, Japan, Brasil, USA og 6 land i Europa; arrangementet hadde totalt 70 deltagere. NFiP og NFR/Climit betalte reise og hotell 15-19. oktober for studentene. Konferensen hadde 28 inviterte forelesere innen Hel-verdikjeden for CCUS, vedlagt finnes detaljert program og deltagerliste. Alle presentasjoner finnes i pdf på NFiP sin hjemmeside: https://nfip.no/2018/06/14/coming-soon-whole-value-chain-carbon-capture-utilization-and-storage/ Mer enn 1300 PhD og MSc studenter har hittil deltatt på NFiP sine aktiviteter.


"First Whole Value Chain CCUS Student Week" is a Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) conference provided by University of Bergen, Colorado School of Mines, Petroleum Research School of Norway (Nasjonal forskerskole i petroleumsfag (NFiP)), NorTex Petroleum Cluster and Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Houston, TX, USA. Venue: Colorado School of Mines (CSM), Golden, CO, Oct. 15-19th, 2018.. CO2 storage in sedimentary rocks is considered to be large scale solution for mitigating global warming by reducing the emission of anthropogenic CO2 (IPPC 2005). With rising world energy demand and increased concern on global warming and climate change reduced greenhouse gas emissions through safe CO2 storage in mature oil fields combined with incremental oil recovery for energy consumption represent a promising new technology opportunity. A successful tertiary CO2 EOR project provides synergy between the need for increased energy production and the reduction in emission of anthropogenic CO2 by storage in sedimentary rocks. The CO2 storage capacity in the North Sea formations will likely be sufficient for EU point sources for the fossil era. A plausible future scenario is that this potential will be utilized with CO2 EOR and aquifer deposition and plans for establishing large scale CO2 infrastructure in the North Sea is presently being evaluated. Similar challenges are found elsewhere in Europe and in the USA, where according to a 2010 US White Paper on CO2 EOR, US import of foreign oil may be reduced by 30% if a "next generation CO2 EOR technology" based on mobility control can be achieved within CCUS. The conference will address all aspects of CCUS and as such represent a Whole Value Chain approach. This is important for the next generation petroleum engineers in order to contribute to more sustainable oil and gas production technologies for the future.


CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering