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E!12433 Safe Area Monitoring (SAM) for Open, Fenceless Factory Automation

Alternativ tittel: Safe Area Monitoring (SAM) - Trygg områdeovervåkning for åpen, gjerdeløs produksjonsautomatisering

Tildelt: kr 5,6 mill.

Safe area monitoring for open, fenceless factory automation - SAM4ROB, har utviklet "SAM", et avansert, lavkost sikkerhetssystem for industri-roboter. SAM gjør det mulig å innstallere robotene uten bruk av sikkerhetsgjerder, og dermed åpne opp for samarbeid ved behov, med menneskene i fabrikklokalet. SAM sørger også for direkte, multimodal kommunikasjon med menneskene, slik at de holdes informert om potensielle sikkerhetskonflikter, og vil dermed oppleve trygghet og naturlig harmoni i samlokalisering med robotene. - SAM Detector oppdager menneskenes lokalisering og er i stand til å skille mellom levende og ikke-levende objekter, for dermed å kunne tilpasse sikkerhetstiltakene ihht. risikoen for skader. - SAM Safety Processor sørger for å avpasse robotenes oppgaver og bevegelser til den påkrevde operatørsikkerheten. - SAM Comfort Processor sørger for å holde menneskene i fabrikklokalet, kontinuerlig oppdatert mhp potensielle sikkerhetskonflikter, slike at menneskene og roboten kan igangsette proaktive, konfliktreduserende tiltak. - SAM Bridge sørger for dynamisk optimalisering av produksjonsflyten i fabrikken, mhp. eventuelle stop / sikkerhetskonflikter mellom menneskene og robotene. SAM4ROB er finansiert gjennom EUROSTARS! -programmet under Horizon 2020. Partnere i SAM4ROB, var - PPM Robotics AS, Norge (Prosjektleder) - F&P Robotics GmbH, Sveits - DLM Consulting, Ungarn - YUJIN Mechatronics, Korea - DGIST Research, Korea - Budapest University, Ungarn SAM4ROB hadde et budsjett på 3,3MEUR, og ble gjennomført i perioden 2018-2020. www.sam4rob.com

SAM is a modular, flexible, cost efficient robot safety technology, containing functions for safety, user comfort and factory flow optimization. SAM has safety functions, adapting the robot's behaviour to the current risk. In addition, SAM includes comfort functions, keeping the humans inside the factory notified about potential safety conflicts, so they can avoid unintended interruptions of the robots. This reduces also potential fear and stress when a human is in the area, nearby the robots. Finally, SAM optimizes the production flow dynamically, to ensure a continuously maximum throughput. SAM4ROB has provide new technology for the modern factories; both including dynamic safety, high human comfort and optimized production flow through the production line; Thus, SAM4ROB has created the future solution for fully open factories, where humans and robots can work together in synergy and harmony !

SAM is a low cost, advanced safety monitoring system providing safe, fenceless, flexible operation of industrial robot systems. It can cover a single robot cell or a factory. SAM Detector detects the human's location and is capable to separate living and artificial objects. SAM Application Module provides actionable safety, user harmony and optimized sharing of tasks and autonomy. SAM Factory Monitoring and Flow Optimization Software monitors and optimizes the work flow in the entire facility. The industrial trend is open, fenceless robot systems to allow easy access for humans to the robot cell; to assist and collaborate when desired. However, this poses challenges related to safety, human comfort and operation functionality, that are yet to be solved. SAM will fill this functional gap by utilizing state-of-the-art object sensing technology to develop a complete low-cost, add-on system with cutting-edge functions for human safety, comfort and operation. After the end of the funding period, revenues will be generated through sales of SAM products as add-on package to industrial automation; embedded solution for industrial and mobile robots; plus a software package for intelligent safety monitoring and production flow optimization in the factory. There will be established distributor agreements with system integrators and robot manufacturers. This will ensure access to the global market and large-scale sales boost.
