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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Characterization of optical metasurfaces

Tildelt: kr 80 000

Photonic resonators or structured arrays of resonators (MetaSurfaces, MSs) are becoming important design-concepts for making new optical components where optical functionalities can be engineered at the nanoscale, including scattering and absorption, polarization conversion, optical chirality or non-linear effects. We focus here on new functionalities based on both polarization and imaging, where more complex shapes of resonators, (such as multipolar resonances, magnetic resonances and magneto-electric coupling,) are explored and the interplay of local and non-local responses become increasingly more difficult to predict and control. This project addresses the strong need to understand the local response of the building bricks of such MSs through the determination of their spectroscopic response along all direction of space and for all polarization states in order to optimize their spatial arrangement, and the coupling among them, in order to engineer new optical components based on MSs. We will perform accurate characterization and modelling of metasurfaces specially manufactured to allow for such characterization. In particular, we will focus on studying spectroscopically the polarization state of diffracted beams from both polarization beam splitting metasurfaces and image forming polarization sensitive surfaces. In addition we aim at further developing accurate characterization of pseudo-chiral surfaces for imaging using circular polarized light. With that aim, this collaboration will combine the expertise in full polarimetric determination of the optical response of photonic resonators presenting long range order of the department of Physics of NTNU with the expertise in nanofabrication techniques and understanding of the colorimetric response of nanoresonators at the level of the isolated object of the INSP. As this field is moving fast, this project emphasizes on strengthening collaborations in order to make more competitive European research units.

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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike