The research project AUREAS aims to develop and evaluate a prototypical AR decision-making support system for crisis management. We focus on the potential of AR for enhancing the integration of social media data into decision-making processes. The project brings together the domain-specific knowledge and contacts to EMA professionals of the Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM) at the University of Agder (UiA) as well as the methodological expertise in social media analytics of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE). Moreover, methods of social media analytics mastered by UDE can be tried out in the control room (CIEMLab) run by UiA in a life-like AR setting. We propose that VR/AR can be employed to improve crisis response of emergency management agencies (EMAs).
Making the right decisions in crisis situations is particularly important as lives depend on these. However, decision-making is highly complex because these situations are characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and ambiguity. Thus, having access to a sufficient amount of valid information is critical. Nowadays, an increasing amount of crisis-related information can be found on social media and EMAs are slowly starting to make use of these. However, EMAs are confronted with challenges such as information overload and the perceived lack of methods to filter information. The intuitive approach of displaying additional information gained through social media analytics on control room screens would likely intensify the problem of information overload. In this situation, AR would be useful for showing additional information from social media based on the screen the decision-maker is looking on.
In our research project, we will investigate the possibilities of AR in a control-room setting together with crisis management practitioners. We will start by scrutinizing the literature, work with experts, and aim at providing an experimental tool.