Metagenomic study into the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) from marine raw rest materials using an open fermentation approach
Alternativ tittel: Metagenomisk studie i produksjonen av polyhydroksyalkanoater (PHA) fra marine råstoffmaterialer ved bruk av en åpen fermenteringsmetode.
Plast er en stor kilde til miljøforurensning. Bioplast tilbyr imidlertid en løsning og en mulighet til å utvide verdikjeden til den Norske fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen. I dette prosjektet vil flere fermenteringsstrategier bli benyttet for å konvertere ulike uutnyttede restråvarer fra norsk fiskeindustri (estimert til over 600.000 tonn per år) til biopolymerer, som deretter vil bli vurdert til bruk som miljøvennlig bioplast.
Prognoser tilsier at bioplast er forbundet med høy fremtidig vekst,samt å bidra sterkt til Norges bioøkonomi. Det globale bioplast- og biopolymermarkedet forventes å vokse med en CAGR på 17,5% eller mer mellom 2016-2020, med en forventet økning på 20 milliarder USD i 2019 og 324 milliarder dollar innen 2030.
Outcomes: A better understanding of a complex fermentation technology that we aim to establish in Norway. The project also strengthened our international network of research collaborators.
Impacts: This short, but important, visit to one of our research partners has helped us to better understand, and hopefully in the future control, a novel technology to convert marine rest materials into bioplastic. This could potentially help to increase the value chain of local actors in the fish industry as well as help to grow Norway's bioeconomy.
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) is a versatile class of biopolymers that is considered to be a prime candidate for bioplastic applications. However, despite PHA's commercial potential, high production costs is hampering its development as an viable alternative for conventional fossil-based plastics.
Subsequently, the major focus of current PHA research is to reduce production cost by looking at cheaper feedstocks and fermentation processes. This project will contribute invaluable knowledge in this regard. Connected to the NewPolySea project (funded by the BIOTEK2021 program), the research visit to NOVA University (Portugal) will generate new knowledge in the production of PHA from marine raw rest materials using a novel fermentation approach.