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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Fibre Rope Mooring

Alternativ tittel: Fiber Rope Mooring

Tildelt: kr 3,9 mill.





2019 - 2022

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Hovedelementene kan listes som følger: 1. Forskning som muliggjør en detaljert utforming av et fortøyningssystem basert på en kombinasjon av polyestertau, klumpvekter, oppdriftselementer og kjeder for OO Star floaters, to vanndyp (150m og 800m) og to klima (Nordsjøen og tropisk). 2. Forskning basert som ovenfor for et stramt bensystem med nylon tov. Viktige problemer her er langsiktige egenskaper av nylon tov vurderer sin levetid og vedlikehold og kvalifikasjon og testing av nylon tauene som har vært på gang i noen tid uten mye avslørt informasjon. Andre problemer som også må tas opp er knyttet til havbunnskontakt og effekt av beskyttende belegg. 3. Forskning basert på "Honeymooring" system av polyestertau med delt tau og anker, som ble patentert av SEMAR. 4. Nylontau test av DNV Bergen.

The outcome of the project will be 3 different mooring systems, with different degrees of maturity and novelty. The first system is based on previous work, resulting in a system that can be utilized in commercial wind farms in the near future. The two other systems are ready after two and three years, respectively, and have a higher degree of novelty and cost reduction potentials. The companies involved in the project will gain knowledge about these particular systems, products will be matured, and the industry as a whole will be able to offer more effective mooring systems to commercial floating wind farm developers. A materials data base and improved simulation tool will improve the future engineering of mooring systems. Nylon rope property test were performed at DNV Berger. the test data were used to establish the material data base and improved simulation tool. Switching to fiber ropes is one way of obtaining significant cost reductions on the mooring system. This can help opening a vast market for floating wind farms, benefiting not only the companies involved in this project, but the whole offshore industry.

The Fiber Rope Mooring project (FIRM) aims to develop innovative mooring systems for floating wind farms based on fiber ropes, together with new and more efficient methods for installation, condition monitoring, maintenance and decommissioning. Compared to catenary chain systems, earlier research shows a cost reduction potential around 50%. The main deliverables are (i) a polyester rope mooring system with clump weights and buoyancy elements, (ii) a nylon rope taut leg system, possibly with shared anchors, and (iii) an innovative mooring system developed in this project. A diverse group of research institutes, engineering companies, rope manufacturers and offshore equipment suppliers also perform supporting work packages on rope properties database, rope property testing, simulation tool development with advanced material models, condition monitoring and maintenance, anchors and soil/structure interaction and power cable aspects. The main R&D challenges are related to the material properties of fiber ropes. The force-elongation properties have contributions from instant-elastic-, visco-elastic-, construction-, and visco-plastic-stretch. Obtaining material data that describe these aspects and modelling this behavior when computing the loads will be addressed by compiling and obtaining data by experiments and implementing advanced material models in the aero-servo-hydro-elastic simulation tool 3dfloat.

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ENERGIX-Stort program energi