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GLOBALBÆREKRAFT-Forskning for global bærekraft

Coastal transformations and fisher wellbeing - synthesized perspectives from India and Europe

Tildelt: kr 3,6 mill.

FisherCoast-prosjektet, som har sammenlignet kysttransformasjoner i India med tre europeiske land inkludert Norge, fokuserte på perspektivene til fiskerisamfunn og kystfolk. Folk i kystsamfunn har sett at kystomgivelsene har endret seg raskt, og ikke alltid til deres fordel. Utvandring er en av deres mestringsstrategier. Selv om Covid-pandemien og tilhørende nedstengninger forstyrret forskningsprosessen i dette prosjektet, har FisherCoast-teamet klart å generere en rekke interessante, sammenlignende resultater. Disse har blitt fanget opp i en digital utstilling (https://fishercoast.si/) som fremhever kysttransformasjonene som har funnet sted, samt i en rekke rapporter og akademiske publikasjoner. Prosjektets doktorgradsstudent har i mellomtiden gjennomført en studie av hvordan trålfisket i Sør-India kan utvikle seg i retning av å bli mer bærekraftig. Seniorforskerne i Norge har utvidet denne studien av trålfisket ved å undersøke videre det indisk-norske prosjektet i et historisk perspektiv , som lanserte trålindustrien i India. De har også bidratt med kartleggingsmateriale om endringer og transformasjoner i kystsamfunn i Nord-Norge til prosjektkonsortiet.

The outcomes of the FisherCoast project pertain to increased critical understandings of the socio-spatial transformations that are occurring in the coastal regions of India in comparison with countries of Europe. These transformations are viewed from the perspective of fisher populations, who have come under increasing pressure from a combination of natural and socio-economic factors, and are making use of various strategies to 'cope' with their new circumstances. As project results are disseminated to relevant policy and public circles, they will precipitate a more reflective, political engagement with the direction of desired change. These reflections have bearing on the process of advancing a 'blue economy' as well as 'climate resilience'.

This research examines how government policies with regard to coastal development have transformed the physical, ecological and social character of coastal areas in India and select European countries and how this has impacted the wellbeing of fishing communities, who are historically the main coastal inhabitants. While the modernization of fisheries that occurred in the past decades was aimed at economic progress, it also resulted in damage to marine ecosystems, to inequality and social conflict. Similarly, policies towards the end of the 20th century aimed at promoting industrial development and tourism threatened fishers by laying claim to coastal lands and polluting the seas they fish in. The research is expected to produce a range of outputs, both academic and non-academic. Apart from a series of journal publications, we will produce research and policy briefs to be shared with global and national policy-makers. Core sections of an interactive coastal web mapping will be produced in the case of India for sharing with civil society and NGO actors, fisher organizations and policy-makers. A mobile exhibition "Heritage for Future Fisheries" will be curated, traveling to four fieldwork locations (2 in India, 1 in Slovenia and 1 in the UK). As noted in the pathways to impact, this exhibition will set up collaborative dialogues with a range of stakeholders. We will also produce a set of articles and blogs for popular media across the five countries.


GLOBALBÆREKRAFT-Forskning for global bærekraft