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Synthesis of stable isotope labelled poly-/per-halogenated alkanes as reference standards for environmental analysis

Alternativ tittel: Syntese av stabile isotop-merkede poly- / per-halogenerte alkaner som referansestandarder for miljøanalyse

Tildelt: kr 2,3 mill.




2019 - 2023

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Syntese av CP-kongenere er forbedret og prosessen er etablert for å lage rene individuelle CP-forbindelser. Syntesemetodene som er utviklet har blitt brukt for syntese av 13C-merkede CP-er. En patentsøknad for prosessen ble sendt inn i mars 2022. En synteserute for å lage 13C-merket PFAS er fortsatt under utvikling, mer undersøkelser må gjøres for å utvikle en sikker og kostnadseffektiv måte for preparatet. Kandidaten har jobbet med 3 artikler ved siden av patentsøknaden, den ene handler om NMR-teknikken for klorinnholdsanalyse som ble publisert på «Chemosphere»; den andre artikkelen handler om syntesen av rene CP-kongenere; den tredje rensingen og røntgenstrukturen til CP-stereoisomerer: I. S. Valderhaug, H. Liu, A. Gorovoy, J. E. Johansen, O. R. Gautun Syntese av konstitusjonelt definerte klorparafiner som referansestandarder. Sendt til resultater i kjemi. II. (patent) A. Gorovoy, H. Liu, J. Tuma, S. Valderhaug, Jonatan Nygren, J. E. Johansen 13C-merkede klorparafiner og deres fremstilling. Sendt til European Patent Office (Appl. No. EP22162109.7) III. S. Valderhaug, N. Paškanová, J. Tuma, J. Herciková, V. Eigner, H. Liu, A. Gorovoy, J. E. Johansen, O. R. Gautun Syntese, identifikasjon, chiral separasjon og krystallstruktur av (3R,4R,7S, 8S)-3,4,7,8-tetraklordekan og dets stereoisomerer. Sendt til Journal of Molecular Structure IV. S. Valderhaug, H. Liu, A. Gorovoy, J. E. Johansen, L. van Mourik, J. de Boer, O. R. Gautun Kjernemagnetisk resonans som et verktøy for å bestemme klorprosent av klorerte parafinblandinger. Chemosphere 308 136312 (2022)

The outcomes from the project are commercial products of chlorinated paraffins (CPs), Perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs). Synthesis of CPs standards has been the main focus in this project, together with other projects at Chiron, about 100 CP native products, 8 13C-labelled CP internal standards have been synthesized, these are unique products for Chiron, also several groups of single chain mixture are available at Chiron. Several PFAS native standards, PAPs for example, have also been developed in this project for both environmental and food safety analytical application The technologies developed in this project will also be used in the preparation of other reference materials in environmental analysis or other analysis filed of food analysis, petroleum analysis and pharmaceutical and forensic analysis. The marketing of these standards and internal standards will help to give accurate and presis monitoring and analysis results of these substances which have greatest environmental concerns

Poly- / Per-halogenated substances are organic halogen compounds containing highly halogenated alkyl chain (poly-halogenated) or fully halogenated alkyl chain (per-halogenated). The main goals of this project are to develop reference materials and internal standards for two tyeps of organic halogen compounds - polychlorinated alkanes also called chlorinated paraffins (CPs) and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs). Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are a class of industrial chemicals used as high-temperature lubricants and as flame-retardant plasticizers in vinyl plastics. CPs are highly toxic to mammalians via bioaccumulation and are potential carcinogenic to humans. The project aims to develop certificated reference materials for short- and medium chained chlorinated paraffins, including pure native (unlabelled) single CPs as Reference standards, 13C-labelled CPs as internal standards, and new and robust analysis methods for fast and safe monitoring and quantification of CPs in complex matrixes in environmental analysis and environmental toxicology. Perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) is a group of chemical substances that contain perfluoroalkyl chains. PFASs have strong surfactant properties and have been exploited in numerous applications due to the unique property and the stability of the carbon-fluorine bonds. PFASs are of great environmental concern due to their persistence, bioaccumulation and biomagnification. The project aims to develop synthesis method for stable isotop 13C-labelled PFASs as internal standards for safe monitoring and quantification of PFSAs in complex matrices, mainly targeting perfluorinated carboxylic acids, perfluorinated alkyl sulfonic acids, fluorinated telomer alcohols and related derivatives. The CPs and PFASs reference standards/internal standards developed will be tested and validated in various complex matrixes for environmental analysis.

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