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E!12842 Windfarm integrated radar sensors for digital operations and management

Alternativ tittel: Digitalisert drift av vindpark ved bruk av integrerte radar sensorer

Tildelt: kr 5,0 mill.




2019 - 2022

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Vindturbiner genererer turbulente luftstrømninger og vaker som forplanter seg videre innover vindparken. Turbulent vind genererer viberasjonseffekter og uønsket last fordeling. Dette leder til tapt produksjon og økte kostnader til vedlikehold. Det finnes flere europeiske forskningsinitiativ som fokuserer på metoder for å redusere vake effekt. F.eks nye drift og kontroll tilnærminger hvor en reduserer energiuttaket på noen av turbinene for å kunne øke energiuttaket på tidligere vake utsatte turbiner, og således, som en helhet, produsere mer energi. Det finnes også metoder for å påvirke retningen av vake propagajson. Alle slike metoder trenger god beskrivelse av den lokale meteorologiske situasjonen. I WISDOM prosjektet som jobber Windmaster Technologies sammen med Vattenfall, DTU og Anemo Analytics for å utvikle og verifisere en ny metode for å redusere turbulens og vakeproblematikken. Dette gjennom radar målinger av turbulens og vind inne i vindparken og integrasjon av måledata og modeller for vind og turbulensflyt i parken.

The WISDOM project have had the following outcomes: 1) A new multi antenna radar system, suitable for use within a wind farm, streaming ready-to-use real-time radar based wind velocity data, has been developed and tested 2) New, real-time-data wind flow- and wake models have been developed. 3) A wind farm control application giving real-time wind data from the radar sensors and other monitoring systems, integrating new real-time wind flow- and wake models has been been developed and tested

These are the project delivery phases, each of approximately 6 months duration, sequential along the timeline: 1) Prepare onshore techical tests 2) Onshore techical validation 3) Prepare onshore functional and perfomance test 4) Onshpre functional performance and demonstration test (with Technical University of Denmark, superviced by pilot customer, VATT) 5) Close-out and commercial launch Spanning the five phases are one project management, one commercial and five technical Work Packages (WPs). The key to multi-disciplinary inter-development will happen at the project start, in WP1, where participants shall set the common business requirements, technical specifications, interdependencies between components and communications protocols, establishing the basis for technical coordination and risk management. WP2 shall adapt flow models to use real-time data from the new remote sensors, with the goals being to improve prediction accuracy and to integrate flow models with the business applications. From a portfolio of existing and prototype business applications WP3 will develop a real-time capability for these three: Real-time active wind farm control, Decision-support for main components lifetime estimation and Decision-support for turbine optimisation. WP4 will develop the commercially viable remote sensing hardware, sensor remote control and data streaming product from field-trial prototypes, while delivering data streams for use by WP2 and WP3. WP4 will use readily available components and subsystems wherever possible in order to avoid delays. DTU shall drive WP5, which will evaluate the accuracy, reliability and value-add of the outputs from WP2, WP3 and WP4. Commercial launch will happen at project end as a result of WP6, where functional perfomance testing with research partner, DTU, and pilot customer, VATT, shall provide feedback, product-development suggestions and business model input.
