The Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) er et samarbeide mellom syv universitet (fem partnere og to tilknyttede universitet) spredt over Norge for å tilby verdensledende doktorgradsutdanning i miljøhumaniora. Vi tilbyr våre PhD-forskere et tredelt program gjennom teori- og metodekurs i miljøhumaniora, spesialistkurs og utvikling av et fellesskap og aktiviteter som støtter studentene. Det er 52 studentmedlemmer i NoRS-EH per 30.09.2022.
We will establish the Norwegian Researcher School in Environmental Humanities (NoRS-EH) with an initial program period from September 2019 to August 2025. This School will bring together seven universities (five partners and two affiliated universities) geographically spread across Norway in order to offer world-leading Environmental Humanities graduate level training. We will offer our PhD researchers a three-tiered program that consists of:
1. Overviews of environmental humanities as a radically transdisciplinary matrix (through Course A and Biannual Symposium)
2. Specialty courses in environmental humanities themes with international participation (through a series of B Courses)
3. Community building through NoRS-EH through the digital NoRS-EH Portal
In addition, we will offer supervisor training and integration of supervisors at the various institutions into the development and teaching of our courses.