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CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering

Reusing existing wells for CO2 storage operations

Tildelt: kr 6,7 mill.

En potensiell strategi for å redusere kostnadene ved Karbon fangst og lagring (CCS) er å gjenbruke eksisterende brønner for lagring av CO2 i undergrunnen. Det finnes flere olje & gass brønner som kan gjenbrukes for permanent lagring ac CO2 i undergrunnen. Målet med REX-CO2 prosjektet er å utforske metoder og verktøy for å kunne bedre vurdere anvendbarheten av eksisterende brønner for CO2 injeksjon. En betydelig del av arbeidet i prosjektet er eksperimentelle laboratoriestudier, med hovedvekt på forståelse av brønnintegritet og brønnbarrierer. En annen betydelig del av prosjektet var utvikling av et vurderingsverktøy som vil kunne mer systematisk kunne vurdere et felt, og dens brønner, for gjenbruk til CO2 lagring. REX-CO2 prosjektet var en del av ACT2-initiativet, med forskningspartnerene TNO (koordinator), BGS, IFP-EN og Los Alamos National Laoratory. SINTEF er den norske hovedpartneren med de andre norske partnere Equinor og ReStone. Forskingsarbeidet omhandler interaksjonene mellom brønnmaterialene sement og stålrør, med målet om å kunne forstå systemet, minimere feil og lekkasjer og mulighetene for utbedring av feil og lekkasjer. Jevnlige arbeidsmøter og konferanser med alle forskningspartnerene og industrien har blitt utført for å kunne diskutere resultatene og for å kunne planlegge fremtidig aktivitet. Prosjektet ble formelt ferdig i August 2022.

The results of the finalized REX-CO2 project is a further facilitation of large-scale CCUS implementation by providing a tool to evaluate and rank the CO2 reuse potential of hydrocarbon fields. The developed technology is not limited to a particular sector of CO2 storage but will accelerate all types of CCS. Key results from the project are: - The development, testing and use of a publicly available reuse well screening tool for reusing existing hydrocarbon fields - New findings in laboratory experiments , including well cement state of stress, material self-healing potential and implications for integrity of reused wells - Field scale numerical simulation results for different reuse field scenarios - Field case reuse studies for selected wells/fields in all six partner countries where the new tool was utilized - A thorough assessment of public acceptance and recommendations for future projects involving well re-use for CO2 injection/storage - Development of technical and socioeconomic best practice recommendations for reusing existing wells for CO2 storage

Existing oil and gas industry installations which cover large parts of the potential CCS chain are already in place, and an increasing number of reservoirs have come to the end of their production lifetime and are earmarked as major targets for initiating large-scale CCUS operations (DOE, 2017). The existing wells in these assets present both opportunity and challenges. Substantial savings could be realized by re-using these wells as CO2 injectors, monitoring wells, or for water production (pressure management). On the other hand, the existing well infrastructure poses a risk as a potential CO2 or brine leakage pathway (Watson and Bachu, 2009). In this proposal, we take a fresh look at this problem and provide a novel solution. The re-use of wells is the inverse of the problem of identifying defective wells. The process of certifying well integrity can also be used to identify wells suitable for continued use in a CO2-rich environment. We develop a qualification process that will simultaneously save CO2 storage projects money and time by identifying existing infrastructure that is safe to re-use, while determining which wells must be remediated to ensure long-term storage. Re-use can benefit projects in all geological settings but may be particularly crucial for off-shore environments, such as the North Sea or the Gulf of Mexico, where well development costs could otherwise be prohibitive. Developing a procedure and tools for evaluating the reuse potential of existing hydrocarbon fields and wells will require a dedicated investigation encompassing the interrelated technical, environmental, economic and social aspects. Currently no such publicly available tool exists. For this project, we conduct the necessary research to develop a dedicated well-screening tool for Reusing EXisting Wells for CO2 storage operations (REX-CO2).


CLIMIT-Program for CO2-håndtering