I 2019 solgte bilindustrien mer enn 25 millioner biler. En giga batterifabrikk produserer nok batterier til rundt en halv million kjøretøy, og behovet for denne sektoren alene er 50 Giga batterifabrikker. Med det stasjonære nettlagringsbehovet for batterier som vokser like stort, trengs det 100 giga batterifabrikker i Europa alene innen 2030-2035. En giga batterifabrikk produserer lagringskapasitet på 30-40 GWh årlig og omsetningen for hver fabrikk er rundt 3-4 milliarder USD. Veksten av denne industrien i Norge er nå på vei til å bli sammenlignbar med den norske olje- og gassindustrien om ti år.
Innen 2025 er det planlagt å være minst fem slike fabrikker i drift i Norge. Kunnskapsbehovet for hvordan man kan drifte og utvikle disse fabrikkene vokser og i NorGiBatF-prosjektet ser vi på alle aspekter ved dette ? med vekt på produksjonsteknologi, bygningskrav, prosesseringsbehov og muligheter for materialer; støttet av livsløpsanalyser.
The project aims at improving the energy footprint of state of the art battery production. This is done by especially targeting energy consumption in the drying of electrode printing and in the process of conditioning air for electrolyte filling. Additionally, LCA and buildings modelling is undertaken to create a holistic understanding of how to develop next generations of giga battery factories.
In this approach, and via the 4 PhD and 2 PDRF jointly supervised va NTNU, IFE, Sintef, UCL and TU Braunschweig, the project also aims at transforming existing competence of high excellence but at complimentary topics into research competence for energy efficient battery cell production.
Scientific development is achieved by the projects 5 scientific work packages that supports all activities with a main focus on battery production and factory development. Through 3 annual meetings all partners and participants will meet and discuss their results and progress. The topics for these work packages are life cycle assessments of the interaction between value chains and related activities and markets around the giga factory, investigating possibility and energy savings by investigating other solvents for electrode slurries in electrode production, investigating different means for more energy efficient drying and dry air needs in electrolyte filling, modelling and measurement results integration of battery production lines, and modelling buildings energy consumption based on design, temperature, manufacturing machine locations, air flow, heat pump integration, etc.
Dissemination will take place by 3 annual project meetings (industrial dissemination), Journals, interaction with other ongoing relevant projects using seminars and works shops, like with the FMEs (HighEff, ZEN and MOZEES), "eit InnoEnergy", meeting with battery recycling projects at KTH (Sweden) and more.