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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Development of Collaborative Academic and Research Program to Study Ice Accretion on Structures in Cold Regions

Alternativ tittel: Utvikling av faglig samarbeids- og forskningsprogram for å studere isdannelse på strukturer i kalde regioner

Tildelt: kr 3,2 mill.

Atmosfærisk ising på strukturer er en bekymring for drift, vedlikehold, sikkerhet og økonomiske perspektiver. Med økningen av menneskelig industriell virksomhet i Nord, må ising tas med i designhensyn da dette kan både påvirke strukturell stabilitet og drift, og kan forårsake problemer knyttet til menneskelig sikkerhet. Det er et økende behov for å forbedre kunnskapen og styrke kompetansen om isdannelsesfysikk forbundet med ising på strukturer og bekjempelse av is. CoARIce-prosjektet vil fokusere på faglige og forskningsaktiviteter i et utdanningsmiljø som er relatert til isdannelsesproblematikk ved å utvikle et internasjonalt konsortium av eksperter fra ulike internasjonale utdanningsinstitusjoner, med et mål til å forbedre kunnskapen om ising på strukturer og lære opp mennesker (studenter(ansatte) om isdannelsesfysikk og dermed forbedre ferdighetene til å utvikle nye teknologier for å bekjempe is. Det overordnede målet med CoARIce-prosjektet er å «Forbedre kunnskap og bygge kompetanse gjennom internasjonalt faglig samarbeid for bedre forståelse av isdannelse på strukturer og teknologisk utvikling for å bekjempe ising». Bedre kunnskap om isdannelsesfysikk fra dette prosjektet vil samle akademikere, forskere og industri til å dele informasjon om den siste utviklingen på dette fagfeltet og vil øke forståelsen hos partnerinstitusjoner om fremtidige krav til sikker drift i utsatte for is regioner. Engasjement av studenter i prosjektet vil gi dem en læringskurve for å lære mer om ising. For øyeblikket eksisterer ingen organisert faglig program og forskningsinfrastruktur relatert til isdannelse. Dette prosjektet vil hjelpe den norske akademiske virksomheten, UIT, med å styrke akademisk virksomhet, infrastruktur og internasjonalt samarbeid knyttet til spørsmål relatert til isdannelse ved å etablere et langsiktig akademisk og forskningsbasert samarbeid mellom 7 samarbeidende utdanningsinstitusjoner fra Norge, Kina, Canada, USA og Japan

As anticipated at start of the project, the CoARIce project has contributed well to: - Improve knowledge about atmospheric ice accretion on structures; - Educating and training students and young researchers about icing; - Development of well functioned international academic research collaboration; - Improving the innovation capacity of partners and integrating new knowledge. As anticipated at start of the project, the major outcomes from this project are: 1) Establishment of a long-term academic research cooperation between Norway, China, Canada, USA & Japan on topics related to atmospheric icing on structures and cold climate technology. 2) Outlining the joint educational courses . 3) Transfer of professional experience and knowledge between students/teachers/researchers. 4) Development of network of students/staff/researchers to ensure a self-sustained long terms relationship for joint research activities and projects on topics related to atmospheric icing. 5) Laying down the base for development of international lab network focus on issues related to icing. 6) Joint academic research projects and activities. 7) Joint academic research publications. Following is the overview International Journal papers (Published) = 05 International Journal papers (Submitted/ under review) = 02 Master Thesis = 01 International conference papers = 11 Book Chapter = 01 Guest Lectures= 10 8) Submission of new academic research project proposals 9) Joint supervision of PhD and master thesis students. 10) Joint lab experiments and numerical simulations. 11) Joint seminars/ workshops/short courses. 12) Co-organizing the international conference (IWAIS 2024) about icing on structures in Norway. 13) A project website was also established for the project information and dissemination of project activities. Following is the weblink. https://en.uit.no/project/coarice

Human activities are increasingly extending into ice prone cold regions, where icing is a challenge and is a concern from operation, maintenance, safety and financial perspectives. Icing events do not only take place in Scandinavia but are also an issue in other parts of the world. There is a need to improve knowledge and strengthen expertise about ice accretion physics associated with icing on structures . Therefore, it is important to educate people about how to combat icing on structures keeping in view the future needs due to increased human activities in ice prone cold regions. CoARIce project will focus on icing related academic/research activities in educational environment by developing an international consortium of experts from different international educational institutes, with an aim to improve knowledge about icing on structures and educating people (student/staff) about improving skills to develop new technologies for combating ice. All partner institutes in CoARIce project have strong expertise and research infrastructure about different aspects of icing on structures, which will help the partners to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and learn from experience of each other. Better knowledge about ice accretion physics from CoARIce project will also bring together academics, researchers and industry to share information on the latest developments in this field and will increase understanding of partner institutes about future demands for safe operations in ice prone regions. Involvement of students will provide them a learning curve to know more about icing. Currently, no organized icing related academic program and research infrastructure exists in Norway. CoARIce project will help the Norwegian academic institute, UiT, to strengthen academic activities, infrastructure and international collaboration on icing related topics and also prepare for future participation in international research applications e.g. Horizon Europe.

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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research