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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Knowledge-sharing between the Norwegian Continental Shelf and the Brazilian Offshore on Well Abandonment - BRANOR

Alternativ tittel: Kunnskapsdeling mellom norsk og brasiliansk sokkel innenfor brønnplugging – BRANOR

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Når en brønn ikke lenger er øknomisk fosvarlig å holde i drift så er det et krav at den "lukkes" permanent. Det er dette vi kaller permanent plugging og forlating (P&A) av brønner. Etter å ha gjennomført plugging og forlating skal brønnen stå i sin sluttilstand uten å lekke til ytre omgivelser i et evighetsperspektiv. På verdensbasis skal flere millioner brønner plugges i de kommende tiårene. Allmenn opinion viser at denne prosessen må fremskyndes på grunn av klimaendringer. Dette internasjonale partnerskapet hadde som formål å dele kunnskap, utdanne studenter og ingeniører og foreslå nye løsninger til P&A med en vitenskapelig tilnærming. Målene ble oppnådd ved å utdanne kommende generasjoner gjennom en nettbaserte kurs via PUC-Rio, forskningssamarbeid med felles publikasjoner (open access articles and conference papers), seminarer og webinarer, veiledning av studenter på ulike nivået (stipendiater og MSc studenter) og utvikling av forskningsprosjekter. Partnerskapet bestått av norske (UiS som leder og NORCE som partner) og brasilianske forskningsmiljøer (UFRJ, PUC-Rio og ITA) som har lang erfaring med forskning innenfor bore- og brønnteknologi.

Maintaining zonal isolation and safe permanent abandonments are important for all regions and countries involved in hydrocarbon production. Leakage from producing and P&A-ed wells may represent an environmental threat. Although the industry is trying to implement the best available practices and utilize new technologies, educating young generations and exchanging knowledge can be helpful to improve operations, realize cost-effective abandonment solutions, and increase safety. This project contributed to improve the quality of education and training related to P&A and facilitate knowledge-sharing, exchange and strengthened collaboration between two countries that share many common challenges related to offshore P&A. The project results benefited both operators, service companies and the environment. Collaboration between universities in combination with online education, mobility (PhD students and faculty members) and workshops were beneficial to secure the environment and making cost effective abandonment operations.

The relationship between Norway and Brazil has long traditions; the two countries have been trading partners for over 170 years. Both countries have been recognized by their novel developments for the oil and gas industry, due to their unique challenges and operations under extreme conditions. Examples are the development of oil fields in ultra-deep waters in Brazil, and the installation of oil and gas facilities in the extreme conditions in the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The institutions involved in this proposal have had important roles to educate engineers and professionals and develop technologies that have made the oil and gas industry in both countries a story of success. Nowadays, the oil and gas industry is facing a challenge related to the permanent plugging and abandonment (P&A) of wells when reaching the end of their production life. Many wells must be plugged and abandoned in the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS) and in the Brazilian offshore in the coming years. The total number of wells in both countries have been estimated to be approximately 7000 (3500 offshore). The cost associate with well abandonment activities is enormous with no return to the National Development Fund of both countries. The large number of wells that are up for abandonment has made the topic of P&A one of the focal points for the oil industry in Brazil and Norway. This new panorama creates the necessity of a new group of professionals with knowledge, skills and experience within this area, as well as the development of new technologies. The goal of this project is to establish a bi-national team within P&A that will exchange knowledge, help to educate young professionals with expertise in this area and develop new research projects with international impact. To reach this goal, five leading institutions are brought together in this INTPART application; two Norwegian and three Brazilian project partners.

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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research