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OFFPHD-Offentlig sektor - ph.d.

Adapting and implementing Lean thinking in public services to enhance knowledge work processes

Alternativ tittel: Organisasjonsutvikling og -styring i Offentlig Sektor Basert på Lean

Tildelt: kr 1,7 mill.

I motsetning til produksjonssektoren er polititjenester og -operasjoner mindre repeterende og drevet mer av kunnskapsarbeid. I tillegg er det beredskapsdrevne arbeidsmiljøet til politiet preget av uforutsigbarhet, kompleksitet og usikkerhet, med menneskelige ressurser konstant i beredskap. Det har blitt avdekket at polititjenester i denne sammenhengen utgjør unike utfordringer og hindringer for ledelses-teori og -praksis, som er mer utfordrende å implementere. Det rådende økonomiske og budsjettmessige klimaet er i endring, og det er økende bevissthet om menneskelige ikke-finansielle indikatorer og faktorer. Derfor er det avgjørende å utforske, tilpasse, utvikle og implementere nye modeller og metoder for å kontinuerlig forbedre prosesser og tjenester. Denne forskningen tar sikte på å undersøke implementeringen av Lean tankegangen i politiet og hvordan ingeniørbasert kunnskap fra industriell sektor kan tilpasses i en kontekst der kunnskapsarbeid dominerer.

This research project resulted in the following: 1) a processual framework for strategically implementing lean thinking; 2) a risk-based prioritization method for resource allocation and utilization; and 3) a conceptual model for exploring and prioritizing knowledge work waste. This research project provides practical situational knowledge and offers valid perceptions into organizational change. The outcomes of this research have both theoretical and practical implications. These findings can support public managers and practitioners in the system-wide implementation of lean thinking and continuous improvement practices as a crucial component of an extensive management system.

TITLE Adopting and implementing Lean thinking in public services to enhance knowledge work processes PURPOSE AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS Financial limitations and the Government's tightening of the annual operational budget present challenges for the Norwegian police services (NPS). This has resulted in immense pressure to simultaneously innovate and deliver high-quality and effective services with a limited yearly operating budget. The majority of the work carried out by the police in Norway's relatively tranquil society is human-oriented and knowledge-based. Hence, it becomes vital for the NPS to investigate continuous improvement practices to minimize the waste associated with the police service’s related knowledge work. Thus, the main objective of this research study is to explore the adaptation and system-wide implementation of Lean thinking, to minimize waste while enhancing the police service’s performance, quality, and productivity. The overall research focused on evaluating and understanding the necessary adaptation of Lean thinking as a management philosophy in the police service’s related knowledge work environment, focusing on the operational and strategic organizational levels. The following research questions are proposed: How can LT be implemented as an integral part of a comprehensive management system? Can a framework (structured procedure) be developed to assist police agencies in implementing LT? How can the concept of waste be adapted to the managerial and operational context of the police? What are the wastes prevailing in the processes of police services? How can waste be addressed using the tools and techniques of LT to improve knowledge work processes in police services?


OFFPHD-Offentlig sektor - ph.d.
