Dette prosjektet økte effekten av H2020-prosjektet COMFORT i Norge gjennom målrettede aktiviteter. COMFORT står for “Our common future ocean in the Earth system - quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points”. Målrettet nettverksbygging med relevante norske interessenter ga merverdi for dem i form av vitenskapelig basert kunnskap om sikre marine operasjonsrom og gjennomførbare klimareduserende mål. Nettverksarbeid med andre norske forskningsmiljøer og prosjekter som jobber med vippepunkter styrket dette forskningsfeltet i Norge. Målrettede kommuniksjonsaktiviteter mot det interesserte publikum og spesielt elever på videregående skoler økte bevisstheten om marine vippepunkter og klimareduserende tiltak og mål. Å dele våre erfaringer med planlegging og gjennomføring av et H2020-prosjekt i nasjonale nettverk har oppmuntret et større antall norske aktører til å ta en nøkkelrolle i fremtidige EU-finansierte prosjekter. Hovedpersonene som opptrer i prosjektet vil være den vitenskapelige prosjektlederen Dr. Dagmara Rusiecka og prosjektdirektøren for H2020-prosjektet COMFORT Prof. Christoph Heinze.
1. Added value to Norwegian stakeholders in term of science-based safe marine operating spaces and feasible long-term mitigation targets (WP 1,3)
Information material about the COMFORT project as provided and is available at:
A policy workshop with Norwegian stakeholders (organization mainly by D. Rusiecka) was held in April 2023 and the workshop recording can be accessed here:
2. Establishment of a Norwegian research network on tipping point research (WP 1,3)
Via the COMFORT Stakeholder Reference Group, work across the disciplines and institutions was enabled (including DNVA = the Noregian Academy of Science and Letters, and AMAP = Arctci Monitoring and Assessment Programme. Awareness was created to bridge the gap between academic research and communities of practice. C. Heinze gave a presentation at the DNVA assembly in Bergen, November 2023, including a podium discussion. The recording of this event is available here:
3. Increased impact and visibility of Norwegian research on international climate policy and research (WP 2)
A widely circulated policy brief on tipping points was prepared jointly with other European tipping point projects (UiB was leading and spear-heading this effort, mainly through work by D. Rusiecka). The policy brief is available here:
4. Increased awareness about tipping points and climate mitigation targets among interested public, especially high school students (WP 3)
High school material: A tipping point presentation for the Nordahl Grieg skole in Bergen was provided and used in practical events (contributors Dagmara Rusiecka, Friederike Fröb, Thomas Torsvik).
5. A greater number of Norwegian actors will take on a key role in future EU projects (WP 4)
C. Heinze gave e presentation to leaders within UiB’s MatNat faculty about leading EU projects (title of presentation: Erfaringer og anbefalinger fra et EU prosjektlederperspektiv).
Project BOOST-COMFORT will increase the impact of the H2020 project COMFORT in Norway through targeted activities.
Targeted networking with relevant Norwegian stakeholders in science, society, trade and industry will provide added value to them in terms of science-based knowledge about safe marine operation spaces and feasible mitigation targets. Networking with other Norwegian research groups and projects working on tipping points will strenghten this research field in Norway. Participating in specific conferences will increase impact and visibility of Norwegian research and priorities on international climate research and policy. Targeted outreach activities towards the interested public and especially high-school students will increase the awareness about marine tipping points and climate mitigation targets. Sharing our experiences of planning and implementing a H2020 project in national networks will encourage a greater number of Norwegian actors to take on a key role in future EU-funded projects. Main persons acting in BOOST-COMFORT will be the scientific project manager Dr. Dagmara Rusiecka and the project director of the H2020 project COMFORT Prof. Christoph Heinze. The latter became member of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters (DNVA) in March 2019 and aims at employing communication channels of DNVA as one pathway for increasing the impact of the project in Norway.