Prosjektet "The Role of Universities in Building Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems" (UNEEC) ser på universiteter som spiller en stor rolle i sine regioner. Et av resultatene av prosjektet er en nylig lansert bok med tittelen Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Drivers, Challenges and Success of Territories, utgitt av DeGruyter. Vårt mål er å øke forståelsen av universiteter i styringsrelasjoner med regionale og nasjonale interessenter på linje med universitetenes interne drivere for innovasjon og entreprenørielle aktiviteter.
UNEEC opprettet et samarbeidsnettverk av forskere fra universiteter i tre land: Universitetet i Stavanger og Høgskolen på Vestlandet, begge i Norge, Université de Poitiers i Frankrike og Unisinos Universitet i Brasil. Hver av deltakerne bringer med seg et unikt sett med kunnskap, og vårt partnerskap lar forskningen fra forskjellige vinkler se på universiteter som en integrert del av det selvopprettholdende økosystemet.
The development of society is guided by both economic and social goals. Universities play different roles in this process, via educational and research activities as well as by fulfilling the "third mission" of meeting market demands through patents, spin-offs and other types of knowledge transfer. Universities also take a broader role, being involved in regional governance, uniting with national and regional policy makers, and engaging with local industry and community. Nevertheless, the role of universities as active players in building ecosystems conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship aiming at economic development is not completely clear. Also, there is uncertainty over what types of engagement work in what contexts. Against this background, the UNEEC project aims to create a collaborative network of researchers across four countries to exchange and enhance competences for the studies of the role of universities in building innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems. Each of the participants brings a unique set of knowledge, and our partnership allows the research from different angles: regional development and policies, entrepreneurship educational programs, students as agents of change, and universities as integral part of the self-sustaining ecosystem. This project will enhance Norwegian institutions via establishing an international PhD summer school, developing a shared research agenda among partners, and increasing the visibility of research on international arenas. The project strengthens existing cooperation and expands collaboration to include new partners. Its societal impact will be significant for the regions in which participating Universities are located, as it builds a direct dialog with regional stakeholders to enhance entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems. The project includes diverse societal groups in the discussions, as well as disseminate results via social media and videos, thus ensuring the impact for a wide economic ecosystem.
INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research