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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research

Transnational Partnership for Excellent Research and Education in Disruptive Technologies for a Resilient Future

Alternativ tittel: Transnasjonalt partnerskap for fremragende forskning og utdanning banebrytende teknologier for en tilpassa framtiden

Tildelt: kr 4,5 mill.

Prosjektet "Transnasjonalt partnerskap for fremragende forskning og utdanning i forstyrrende teknologier for en spenstig fremtid (DTRF)" vil gjennom samarbeid mellom Vestlandsforsking, Høgskulen på Vestlandet og sju verdensledende universiteter i USA, India, Kina og Japan, etablere et langvarig partnerskap hvor fremragende utdanning er integrert i fremragende forskning i banebrytende teknologier for en tilpassa framtiden. DTRFs forsknings- og utdanningsnettverk blir koordinert av Vestlandsforsking og vil vare i fire år. Prosjektet vil også føre til et sterkere forskningssamarbeid som vil påvirke utdanning av norske masterstudenter positivt. Mer kontakt og mobilitet vil også hjelpe studentenes muligheter til å få flere samarbeidspartnere og relevante vertskapsinstitusjoner for deres forskningsopphold i USA, India, Kina og Japan. DTRF konsortia vil ikke bare kommunisere innad i sitt egen forskningsmiljø, men også med andre nærliggende forretningsvirksomheter og organisasjoner i offentlig sektor, for å få mere synlighet.


Urban infrastructure systems and their effective and reliable operation ensure delivery of energy, mobility, public security and information, on a daily basis and during unforeseeable situations. Yet with an ever-increasing frequency, industries and communities face emergencies. Hence there is a need to find a new way of thinking about how to plan, design, build and manage cities under more challenging conditions. The DTRF project addresses the need by building and strengthening research and education within disruptive technologies for critical infrastructure resilience. The DTRF research and education network will be coordinated by Vestlandsforsking and will run for a term of three years. The collaboration with university partners in Norway, USA, China, India and Japan, will build sustainable relationships by exploiting the experience, resources, research infrastructure, and complementary expertise of the partners. The DTRF project application is relevant to the thematic focus of the qualifying EU H2020 project- RESILOC. Students will develop a common understanding of knowledge gaps, research methods, technologies and analytics requirements in critical infrastructure resilience, and tie this work into pressing societal information needs. The DTRF will allow for efficient exchange of students, researchers and faculty members that will increase the international collaboration between the project partners. Innovative course curriculum, increased interaction and reciprocal mobility will contribute with a strong and robust international group that engages and encourages affiliated students to get involved in multidisciplinary research topics. A vivid research and learning environment enhances excellence in research and education, which benefits all project participants. DTRF consortium will not only communicate within the research community but also with other related businesses and public sector organisations with the impact to give the DTRF more visibility.

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INTPART-International Partnerships for Excellent Education and Research