PECO2 prosjektet bygger på marine tjenesteutvikling og har som mål å styrke utdanning, trening koordinering og videreutvikling av operasjonell oseanografi og marine tjenester gjennom strategisk internasjonalt nettverk og partnerskap. Prosjektet er dermed godt forankret og kompatibelt med både INTPART programmets målsetting og den Norske Regjerings Panorama strategi. PECO2 prosjektet vil bli en viktig bærebjelke for det voksende behovet for rutine-messig produksjon, levering og bruk av marine informasjon innen hav- og kyst overvåking og varsling. Sektorer som for eksempel marine operasjoner og sikkerhet, søk- og redning, marint miljø, marine resurser og klima endringer vil dra stor nytte av dette. Likeså har det klar samfunnsverdi og -nytte. Alt i alt er PECO2 prosjektet dermed også sentralt i henhold til FN´s bærekraftsmål, spesielt nummer 4, 13, 14 og 17.
PECO2 prosjektet går ut 2023 og er koordinert og ledet av Nansensenteret i Bergen. Øvrige partnere inkluderer: Geofysisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen; Nansen Environmental Research Centre-India; Kerala Universitet for Fiskeri- og Hav-Studier, India; Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre; Chinese Academy of Sciences, China; CSIR, Cape Town, Sør Afrika; Nansen-Tutu Center/Universitetet i Cape Town, Sør Afrika; og Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche sur l'Environnement Atmosphérique, Frankrike. Den Europeiske Romfartsorganisasjonen (ESA) bidro også til prosjektet med ytterlige finansiell støtte til deltakelse av studenter, forelesere og veiledere fra medlemslandene til ESA.
Et skreddersydd treningsprogram og feltkurs for 60 internasjonale studenter ble implementert i følgende to faser: Et 10-ukers online kurs fra september til desember 2022 etterfulgt av "The One Ocean Expedition" fra 3-13 januar 2023 ombord i St. Lehmkuhl fra Maputo (Mozambique) til Cape Town (Sør Afrika).
The Advanced Ocean Synergy Training Course was designed to train the next generation of Earth Observation ocean scientists by providing insight in operational oceanography and marine services while strengthening international partnerships. Capitalizing on satellite sensor synergy and near real time access to data and model fields the course offered a combination of online standard and interactive lectures and at sea practical exercises. Key areas of societal relevance that were addressed and will benefit from this project are: maritime operations, transportation and safety, marine environment, marine resources and climate change. The PECO2 project also contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, notably: #13 - Climate Action, #14 - Life below Water and #17 – Partnerships for the Goals.
The format of the 2022/2023 ESA-NERSC Advanced Ocean Synergy Training Course had never been practiced before, neither the long and intense online part of the course, nor the demanding sea going part. However, based on detailed planning and commitments as well as generally positive expressions received from the students it turned out to be highly successful. As such we are ready to do it again should the possibility arise. All the online lectures are recorded and can be reused. Student handbooks containing program and lecture materials were distributed prior to the online and at sea training course. The students also delivered 3 comprehensive student group reports that further highlight the outcome and impact of the project. The reports addressed: Air-sea interaction; Upper ocean dynamics; and Marine biology in the upper layers.
In the long term, the project will improve the quality of education and help train the next generation of experts in operational oceanography, able to apply multi-disciplinary knowledge to address complex marine issues in maritime safety, coastal and marine environments and forecasting. PECO2 would also be the first attempt to provide an overall framework to develop a consolidated base of education and training for operational oceanography. It will also improve cooperation between the partner countries, reinforcing international links and stimulating new ideas and research training collaborations.
The PECO2 project aims to share advanced knowledge and experiences in operational oceanography accumulated through projects involving partners from South-Africa, China, France, India and Norway and develop this into a collaboration platform in support to education and training in operational oceanography and marine services. This is compliant with the INTPART program overall goal to advance the development and strengthen the world-class research and education. The PECO2 project is moreover fully compliant with the Norwegian Government Panorama Strategy for cooperation on higher education and research whereby it is emphasized that: "As a result of the changes occurring globally, cooperation with other countries on other continents (i.e. the BRICS countries) will come to play a more important role for the further development of the Norwegian knowledge society". In addition it will be highly relevant for the UN´s Sustainable Development Goals, in particular goals numbers 4, 13, 14 and 17.
The project will review the needs and opportunities for both research cooperation and training within the framework of operational oceanography and identify where competency is needed in the next generation of researchers in this field. It will then implement a number of activities designed to provide training and stimulate research ideas. This includes two summer schools, a data assimilation course, a number of student exchange visits and guest lectures. PECO2 will look to broaden this work and explore a) how it could be adapted to users from the maritime industry and b) how to provide training for operational oceanography on a more sustained and systematic basis through a joint curriculum.
The PECO2 project has clear relevance to a number of funded, cutting edge research programmes that are listed in the project description. In each participating country the PECO2 project will also become an important building block in support to the growing need for routine production and delivery of coastal and ocean information with societal benefit.