Prosjektet har gjennomført studier av eksisterende design prosesser med søkelys på å forstå hvordan VR kan benyttes i praksis i industrien. Resultatene av disse undersøkelsene har blitt brukt for å etablere VR demonstratorer for å støtte design og samarbeide. Disse demonstratorene har blir testet av et spekter av brukere for å avdekke hvordan disse vil fungere i bedriftenes prosesser. På grunn av COVID har prosjektet dreiet mot delte VR opplevelser over nettet der opp til 10 deltagere kan samarbeide uavhengig av lokasjon. En av industripartnerne har tatt i bruk resultater fra prosjektet i brukersentrert design av arbeidsplasser, konseptdesign og salg.
Prosjektet konkluderte med at det er behov for ytterligere fokus på VR-baserte intervensjoner som støtter samarbeidsdesign, i stedet for å begrense bruken av VR til visualisering av 3D-ressurser laget med designverktøy som allerede er i bruk i designprosessen. For det formål la OpenVR ut en arkitektur som fokuserer på premissene til brukerne av skipsdesignprosessen og ser VR som en del av et økosystem av "samarbeidsmedier i sanntid". Slike medier (i) opererer i sanntid; (ii) er svært samarbeidende med muligheten til å involvere flere brukere samtidig, og en svært lav terskel for å dele innhold på tvers av brukere og plattformer; (iii) støtter nok visuell troskap til å muliggjøre et bredt mangfold av designoppgaver; (iv) er fylt med store 3D-ressursbiblioteker av 3D-modeller, materialer og teksturer; (v) er tilgjengelig via en rekke plattformer som skjerm, mobil, nettbrett, virtuell virkelighet og utvidet virkelighet-skjermer; og er (vi) allment tilgjengelig gratis eller en svært lav pris på nettlesere.
One partner was successful in using VR to support a sale process, which turned into a large building contract. Through this experience, the partner learned how to better use VR to support early design processes, and gathered internal support in the organization to further develop VR competence. This case was documented in an academic paper (paper accepted, under revision).
All partners experienced the potential of VR to include end-users and how VR may contribute to put designers “in the shoes” of their end-users. Their experience and reflections upon the potential of VR were also documented in an academic paper (paper submitted). This contributed to build motivation for the partners to keep on experimenting with VR in their design processes.
For AHO and the Ocean industries concept lab, OpenVR has provided a fantastic space to iterate and improve on our mixed reality setup for user-centred, operation-centred collaborative design. We have been able to contribute to the development to a web-based tool developed by the US-based startup Bezel, who has implemented the majority of the requirements we have derived based on OpenVR research. We are now directly integrating these new learnings and new tools in the OpenAR project where we are using VR environments to prototype concepts for augmented reality (AR) technology.
OPEN VR is a framework for virtual reality (VR) - enhanced, collaborative, human-centred design of maritime workplaces. The framework will lead to 1) improved user and customer involvement in design, 2) safe and human-friendly workplaces 3) increased innovation, and 4) lower cost for new ships.
There is a need to improve usability of ships and ships workplaces, in order to reduce human error and increase the efficiency of ship operations. Human-centered design (HCD) can help solve this problem, however, HCD are not common in Norwegian ship design and there is a lack of appropriate human centered ship design processes and collaborative mediums allowing shared understanding for all the relevant stakeholders to efficiently take part in the ship design process.
We will solve this problem by introducing the OPENVR framework that combines a VR-enhanced HCD process for maritime design, with a VR system architecture specifically built to support the design of maritime workplaces. The innovation will make it much simpler to involve end users and customers in design and evaluation of maritime workplaces.
The innovation have two main elements:
1. VR-enhanced HCD. We propose to use VR as an enabling technology to augment HCD process with the capacity to visualize, explore and experience the future use of a ship. The resulting VR-enhanced HCD process will make it possible to integrate VR and HCD in a cost-efficient way in industrial ship design processes.
2. VR architecture for design. The project will develop a VR architecture that includes state of the art technology to support maritime design processes. The VR architecture will support technologies that can reproduce realistically ship operations, and enable user-friendly review and modification of ship design concepts at the early phases of design. It will also include support of online infrastructure to make it possible to gather people and systems on different locations in a shared virtual world.