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KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Abrupt climate change and earth system modelling

Tildelt: kr 0,22 mill.

This project is to seek funding for a research stay at Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen. The applicant is an early career scientist at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre. The planned research stay at NBI is a result of the ERC synergy project ice2ice, which was just finished in July 2019 and involved both the host and home institutes of the applicant. Solid collaborations between the Norwegian and Danish partners have been built both personally and institutionally within the ice2ice project. With still many scientific questions unanswered and new research topics that are emerging, the research stay will continue and consolidate the collaborations between the institutes, especially on topics related to abrupt climate change and earth system modelling. More specifically, the following activities have been planned during the visit: 1) to continue and strengthen the ongoing collaboration on the investigations of abrupt climate change, including engagement in scientific meetings/discussions and seeking to build potential partnership in Horizon2020 and Horizon Europe; 2) to foster collaboration on improving earth system models, especially the ocean component, by engaging in the NBI TeamOcean activities and group meetings; 3) to seek collaboration with the Danish Meteorological Institute in CMIP6 related earth system modelling and model development.


KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima