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E!113830 Smart Environmental Control System for commercial greenhouses

Alternativ tittel: Proof the ECS capability to operate a greenhouse as a fully closed system in the mild Norwegian climate

Tildelt: kr 3,9 mill.




2020 - 2022

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Konsortiet utvikler 'Environmental Control system' (ECS), en ny teknologi for å oppnå dyrking i veksthus som et lukket kretsløp. ECS teknologien er helt automatisert og dreven av solenergi. Enheter er sammenstilt i standard shipping containers og blir solgt til veksthus dyrkere over hele verden.

These goals has been acheieved: proof the ECS capability to operate a greenhouse as a fully closed system in the mild Norwegian climate. verified the positive impact of the ECS on crops and optimize/redesign the ECS based on the findings. We built a full-scale industrial prototype and tests using a semi-closed greenhouse as test facility.

The consortium develops the Environmental Control System (“ECS”), a key- technology for operating greenhouses as a (semi-)closed loop. The ECS is highly automated and driven by a solar power generator. Both units are assembled in standardized shipping containers and are sold to greenhouse operators around the world. Connecting the ECS to a greenhouse ventilation system will result in: 1) Zero CO2 emissions 2) 70% water savings 3) 50% decreased energy consumption 4) 20-30% increased yields
