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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Networking activities and PhD courses strengthening the research team at CCF

Alternativ tittel: Networking activities and PhD courses strengthening the research team at CCF

Tildelt: kr 1,6 mill.




2020 - 2024

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Center for Corporate Finance (CCF) er en samlingsplass for forskere som er interessert i foretakets finansierings og investeringsbeslutninger. Ved et stimulerende og krevende miljø for top forskning har CCF utviklet en sterk forskergruppe i corporate finance. Forskergruppen har vært en sentral bidragsytere til top forskningen på NHH. Den er ledende i sitt felt i Norge, rangeres nummer to i Norden, og er vel posisjonert for å bli en av de 10 beste forskergruppene i corporate finance i Europa. Dette prosjektet styrker forskergruppen gjennom å fremme dess internasjonale nettverk og PhD program på følgende vis: (1) Gjennom å støtte lengre opphold av gruppens forskere hos den internasjonalt erkjente forskergruppen i corporate finance ved business skolen Tuck School of Business ved prestisjeuniversitet Dartmouth College i USA. (2) Ved å støtte forskningsseminarer og konferanser i corporate finance ved NHH med internasjonale top forskere. Slike arrangement gir viktige muligheter for heile forskergruppen å nettverke med top forskere og innlede nye samarbeider. (3) Gjennom å fremme deltakelse av CCFs fagstab og PhD studenter ved de viktigste akademiske konferansene.

Center for Corporate Finance (CCF) provides an arena for researchers interested in corporate finance to interact and collaborate. By offering a stimulating and demanding environment for high-quality research, CCF has developed a strong research group in corporate finance. The research group at CCF has been a major contributor to top-quality research at NHH. It is the leading research team in corporate finance in Norway, ranks number two in the Nordics (behind Stockholm School of Economics), and is well positioned to become one of Europe’s top ten research groups in corporate finance. This project solidifies the research group by further strengthening its international network and PhD program. In particular, the project strengthens the network of the CCF research group in three ways: (1) By supporting research visits by its faculty and PhD students with the internationally renowned research group in corporate finance at Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA. (2) By supporting the organization of research seminars and conferences in corporate finance featuring international top scholars at NHH. These events provide important opportunities for the entire research team to network with top scholars and offer new collaborative opportunities. (3) By supporting the participation of CCF faculty and PhD students at major academic conferences. The PhD program is an integral part of the research activities at CCF. With support of the project, CCF will develop three new PhD courses in corporate finance taught by international top scholars. These courses give course credits towards the PhD degree and are open for students from institutions nationally. Two of the courses, "Corporate finance and industrial organization" and "Corporate finance and computational linguistics" are taught by Professor Gordon Phillips, Tuck at Dartmouth College, USA. The third course, "Econometric methods in empirical corporate finance", is taught by Professor Eric deBodt, Caltech, USA.


FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte
