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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Technologies for Immortality: A study of Human Futures

Alternativ tittel: Teknologier for udødelighet: en studie av den menneskelige fremtid

Tildelt: kr 11,9 mill.





2021 - 2025

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Vår første felles prosjektbaserte artikkel er ferdig og sendt inn til tidsskriftet "science as culture". Artikkelen har som mål å forklare endringer i kryonikk. Kryonikk er en svært marginal praksis som innebærer å fryse ned personer som er erklært klinisk og juridisk død, i flytende nitrogen med håp om å tine de opp igjen når fremtidig teknologi er på plass. I vår forskning har vi observert en økning i interesse for kryonikk, og at kryonikk-organisasjoner nå også rekrutterer blan unge. Vi mener dette henger sammen med flere faktorer: 1. at kryonikk , som gjerne i sin nyere variant kalles biostase, har gode vekstvilkår i den nye teknologi og innovasjonsbaserte økonomien (som fremmes gjennom den fjerede industrielle revolusjon , og ligende diskurser som "the California ideology", Sillicon Vally tek-industry mm 2. Kronikk forbindels i økende grad med den voksende anti-aldrigns industrien 3 Kryonikk vokser som del av en større ny-rasjonalistisk bevegelse (som kommer til uttrykk på nettsider som waitbutwhy, Lesswrong, m fl)

Technological innovation in human-computer interfaces, breakthroughs in biotechnology, and the emerging notion that aging is a disease seriously challenge established understandings of what a human being is, or might be. A substantial reason for current popular interest in emerging technologies is the possibility of living forever; the prospect of human immortality. This project will explore contemporary pursuits of immortality in order to enhance our understanding the social and cultural basis for these developments.We might distinguish between three different approaches to the field of immortality, taking three different questions as a point of departure: Firstly, what is possible, through technology and science? Secondly, what is the social and cultural significance of it, and thirdly: is it desirable? The first question is an established research area in biology (anti-aging medicine, bio-technology etc) and AI (humanoids, "mind transfer" etc), and the third question is often dealt with in the field of ethics, mainly from philosophy, religion and theology etc. The second however, is only to a very limited degree developed. With this project we want to explore the socio-cultural significance of the immortality movement, looking specifically at kinship relations. How are relations developed and imagined in contexts where mortality is sought overcome? Concretely, we propose with this research to develop comparative analysis of ethnographic case studies of immortality practices in Russia and in the US. Due to particular historical contingencies rooted both in the histories of the late nineteenth-century religious modernism and experimentation, and the Cold War technoscientific imaginaries and science-based competition between the Soviet Union and the United States, these are the two locations where immortality projects like the ones described above are most developed and vocal.


FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte
