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MP: Drillputer - User-friendly Graphical User Interface for Real-time Drillstring Simulator

Alternativ tittel: Borecomputer - Bruker vennlig grensesnitt for sanntids borestrengssimulator

Tildelt: kr 0,45 mill.

En borestrengssimulator er laget. Denne simulatoren er istand til å gjøre beregninger med høy nøyaktighet og svært raskt. Vi har identifisert et stort datasett på ca 20 brønner. Simulatoren er testet på dette datasettet og det grafiske brukergrensesnittet er på TRL nivå 6. Vi har også identifisert en kunde som er interessert i resultatene våre. Dette prosjektet har avslørt viktige aspekter av markedspotensialet og vi har opprettet et firma som heter ComputerWell for å ta dette videre.

A user-friendly graphical user interface is in place at TRL 6. The industrial player NOV has shown clear interest and given us a "letter of interest". The outcome of this project will give valuable insight of the market potential of the simulator. We have established a company and gotten funding by the verification project.

A drillstring simulator is currently in place. This simulator is able to execute its calculations accurately and very fast. It is tested on a few sets of field data. The graphical user interface that is in place is preliminary. The primary objective is to identify and implement key GUI features that will substantially increase the usability of the simulator. Consultants that have long experience with usage of similar software applications to identify the GUI features are part of the team. We will identify industrial players that can provide data sets for software trials. This will surely reveal important aspects of the market potential and this may also result in future customer relations and collaborations. It is also likely that the development of the GUI, will steer work tasks related to improvement of the drilling simulator itself. Small and medium enhancement will likely be done within this project, but enhancements that require more resources will be postponed to secure promised deliveries.
