Hvilke internasjonale trender vil påvirke arbeidsplassene i Norge i fremtiden? Hvilke endringer kan vi forutse? Hvordan bør vi forberede oss på disse endringene, og hva er de politiske konsekvensene på nasjonalt og regionalt nivå?
For i å analysere dette har vi arrangert tre internasjonale workshops. Formålet med workshopserien var å inspirere interessenter i Norge til å utforske scenarier som vil bidra til å møte utfordringene i fremtidens arbeid og bidra til mer inkluderende sosial utvikling.
I de tre workshops under konseptet "The future of work" har vi diskutert tre store krefter som vil påvirke fremtidens arbeidsliv: digitalisering, globalisering og migrasjon. I den første workshopen la vi vekt på effekten av digitalisering: i forhold til kompetansekravene, arbeidsformene og kvalitet på arbeidet i et 10-20 års perspektiv. I den andre workshopen var temaet den skiftende globale orden og fremtidens arbeid. På denne tredje og siste workshopen fokuserte vi på migrasjonen. Se: https:// www.uia.no/no/konferanser-og-seminarer/arbeidets-fremtiden-i-digitaliseringens-alder-globalisering-og-migrering
Resultatet av dette arbeidet er tre korte videofilmer rettet mot videregående skoler for å inspirere til diskusjoner blant elever om det fremtidige arbeidslivet de utdanner seg til.
- arrange three thematic workshops: these have been arranged with about 150 participants and live streaming
- stimulate stakeholders in Norway: we have had cooperation with many relevant stakeholder, including close cooperation with municipality of Kristiansand and county off Agder.
- inspire leaders in the public and private sectors: representatives og trade and industry have attended in discussions and panels
- produce a series of short films: the tree films have been produced and will be launched for use in videregående skole, shortly.
The Horizon project GI-NI aims to contribute to an inclusive Europe of shared prosperity, by providing a better understanding of the changes and joint impact of three major transformations: technological progress, globalisation and migration; and offering policy and governance solutions to better equip citizens and companies, securing more equal opportunities and outcomes. The supplemental funding will be used to disseminate the early findings of this project and engage stakeholders in Norway in discussing future scenarios and public policy. It is necessary to raise the debate and ask stakeholders in Norway: How will we prepare for the challenges ahead?
In alignment with the main project, this project will focus on technological progress, globalisation and migration. Much data is already available in Norway, and we are aware of the necessity of understanding these transformations in order to create more jobs and greater welfare. The region of Agder has particular challenges to living standards such as a relatively high drop-out rate and an increasing number of families living below the Norwegian poverty line. The transition from oil and gas to renewable industry presents an additional challenge for Agder.
We will collaborate with the municipality of Kristiansand and Agder county to hold three thematic workshops which involve not only regional stakeholders, but also national actors such as KS, NHO, LO and Kompetanse Norge to explore the themes of the GI-NI project and focus on solutions. The challenges facing Norway cannot be seen in isolation. Instead of speculation, we base the workshops on data and discuss what implications the findings of the Horizon project have for Norway with its distinct industry, well-developed labour systems and relatively highly educated population. By applying knowledge from the rest of Europe and inviting the partners in the main project into collaboration in Norway, we aim to apply global solutions to regional challenges.