Norge-ASEAN Konsortium i risikostyring for tryggere og bærekraftig hav (NESS) har som mål å bygge en samarbeidsplattform med mange partnere fra 8 land i Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Basert på det multinasjonale konsortiet forventes NESS å samle inn og dele informasjon om forskningsutviklingen i håndteringen av utfordringer med interessekonflikter i utnyttelse av havressurser og havbeskyttelse; fremme kommunikasjon mellom forskningsgruppene, norske teknologiske leverandører og ASEAN-brukere innen offshore produksjon, sjøtransport og fiskerisektorer; og legge til rette for bruk av forskningsbasert kunnskapspolitikk og teknologiutviklingspraksis for havene.
Nettverksaktivitetene vil være innenfor de tre domenene offshore energiproduksjon, sjøtransport og fiskeri, og risikostyring for å redusere miljøpåvirkningen i den nåværende virksomheten, i ny teknologi og forretningsutvikling, og i policy design og utdanning.
ASEAN-partnere i det 4-årige prosjektet kommer fra Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, Filippinene, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand og Kambodsja. Mens norske partnere er NTNU, Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS) og Sørøst-universitetet i Norge (USN).
This proposal is aligning itself to the call in the priority areas of environment and ocean of NORGOBAL2, by building a collaborative platform with many partners from 8 countries in the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), including two key partners Myanmar and Indonesia. Results of this project are also contributive to another priority area – global education.
Based on the multi-national consortium, NESS is expected to collect and share information about the research development in dealing with challenges of interest conflicts in utilization of oceanic resources and ocean protection; promote communications between the research groups, Norwegian technological vendors and ASEAN users in offshore production, marine transportation and fishery sectors; and facilitate the use of research-based knowledge policy makings and technology development practices for oceans.
The networking activities will be within the three domains of offshore energy production, marine transportation and fishery, and risk management at three levels in terms of environmental impacts: instantaneous and short-term impacts (in the current operations), mid-term impacts (in new technology and business development), and long-term impacts (in policy design and education).
The main activities of NESS in the 4-year period are elaborately designed for balancing networking effectiveness with budget and environmental friendliness in 5 work-packages:
WP1 – Onsite: Annual seminars and dialogue meetings, co-led by NTNU, USN and YU.
WP2 – Online: Online seminars and E-newsletters, co-led by NTNU, UiS and UTM.
WP3 – Social media: Website and social media management, co-led by NTNU, NUCE and YTU.
WP4 – Report: Annual reports and articles compiling, co-led by NTNU, UI and YTU.
WP5 – Administration: Progress and cost control and negotiation, co-led by NTNU and YTU.
Added values will be provided to Norwegian organizations by building new collaborations with many south-eastern Asian universities.