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Norwegian Low Trophic Aquaculture Network

Tildelt: kr 1,0 mill.




2021 - 2023

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Prosjektet NoLTANet (Norwegian Low Trophic Aquaculture Network) etablerte et nettverk for 50+ norske aktører som driver industrivirksomhet eller forskning relatert til lavtrofisk akvakultur. Den viktigste leveransen fra prosjektet var den nettbaserte informasjons-huben "ALTANet" (Atlantic Low Trophic Aquaculture Network, https://altanet.info/) med link til informasjon om prosjekter, utlysninger, webinarer, publikasjoner, nyheter, nettsteder og bilder. Siden interessen for lavtrofisk akvakultur går utover Norges grenser inneholder nettsiden informasjon om lavtrofisk akvakultur i hele Atlanterhavsregionen. Det ble avholdt en fysisk workshop med nærmere 50 deltakere i Tromsø samt virtuelle møter med de andre prosjektdeltakerne (UiT, Norce og Bellona), og en kravspesifikasjon for nettstedet ble lagd og domenenavnet altanet.info ble kjøpt. Basert på kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring leter en webcrawler hver natt på nettet etter de siste nyhetene om lavtrofisk akvakultur, og lenker til disse deles automatisk på nettstedet. Ved prosjektslutt hadde webcrawleren identifisert over 3500 relevante nyhetshistorier, og disse ligger tilgjengelige og er søkbare på altanet.info.

Outcomes: - Established a durable LTA network in Norway to facilitate exchange of knowledge, access to relevant information, and improved competence - Hosted a LTA workshop in Tromsø with close to 50 participants; this was so popular and successful that it was decided to make it an annual event facilitated by Nofima - Developed a website which will be kept operational which contains updated content on projects, calls, webinars, publications, news, and website. Online news stories related to LTA are identified daily by an AI-based webcrawler using machine learning Impact: - Increased amount and improved efficiency of LTA in Norway; help diversify the aquaculture industry - Creation of a network with the potential to influence LTA-related policy - Increased Norwegian participation in future European LTA-related research and innovation projects - Norwegian interests will be well represented in the European standardization process which will produce good practice recommendations relating to LTA production

NoLTANet will create a network of Norwegian stakeholders involved and interested in Low Trophic Aquaculture (LTA). This is a rapidly expanding research and innovation area, there are many Norwegian industry, research, and other organizations working in this field, but there is currently no common forum where they can meet, discuss, and exchange views and practices. NoLTANet will alleviate this situation by establishing a network with at least 30 members, by producing newsletters, by setting up a website with a discussion forum and links to relevant news stories, articles, reports, conferences, and initiatives, and by hosting at least two plenary network meetings. NoLTANet has been designed to interact with 3 ongoing H2020 projects: AquaVitae, ASTRAL and AANChOR. All of these are “All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance Flagship” projects which means they have significant representation from Brazil and South Africa, they are rather large (8 / 8 / 4 MEUR EU contribution), and they are expected to run for 54 months, starting in 2019/2020. These projects contain a number of outreach activities; both activities designed to disseminate and communicate from these projects to interested parties, and activities designed to elicit preferences and requirements from stakeholders to inform the planned research, innovation, and standardization activities (AquaVitae will make a European LTA standard). NoLTANet will ensure that Norwegian LTA organizations are in a position to utilize the outputs from these projects, and also that the views and preferences of Norwegian stakeholders are taken into consideration in the upcoming research and standardization activities. Early drafts of upcoming European research work programmes (Horizon Europe in particular) indicate numerous funding opportunities for LTA related research; NoLTANet will engage and inform Norwegian LTA organizations about these calls and ensure significant Norwegian participation in future European projects in this area.

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