European Universities Outreach har sitt utspring i den europeiske universitetsalliansen Arqus, der Universitetet i Bergen deltok i pilotfasen. Prosjektet tar utgangspunkt i arbeidspakkene UiB koordinerte med finansiering fra Horisont 2020 og Erasmus+.
Koblinger mellom forskning og utdanning har lenge vært en politisk prioritering i Norge, og i økende grad også i EU. Involvering av samfunnsaktører i å forme forsknings- og innovasjonsagenda er også en politisk prioriteringing. Prosjektet hadde derfor to spor som fokuserte på å dele erfaringer knyttet til disse priorieteringene: En arbeidspakke knyttet til koblinger mellom utdanning og forskning, og en knyttet til involvering av aktører i å forme forskning og innovasjonsagenda.
I det første sporet av prosjektet har vi delt erfaringer og samlet informasjon gjennom verksteder med koordinatorer for norske deltagere i europeiske universitetsallianser, forsknings- og utdanningsadministrativt støtteapparat ved institusjonene, og sentrale aktører i virkemiddelapparatet og i EU-systemet, inkludert universitetsnettverk og -allianser, og akademikerne. Basert på dette har vi samlet innspill og anbefalinger i en rapport. Anbefalingene retter seg mot myndighetsnivået i EU og Norge, virkemiddelapparatet, og ledelsen og støtteapparatet ved institusjonene. Gjennom arbeidspakken ble det formulert anbefalinger for involvering av aktører i utformingen av forsknings- og innovasjonsagenda.
Et av resultatene fra Horisont 2020-prosjektene var en verktøykasse for involvering av aktører i utformingen av forsknings- og innovasjonsagenda. Denne har blitt pilotert gjennom i et verksted med ulike aktører. I oppfølgingen av dette arbeidet ble det også arrangert en konferanse med både internasjonale og lokale bidragsytere: Meeting grand challenges together: actionable knowledge through collaboration in research and innovation. Deltagere ved konferansen inkluderte både akademia og en rekke representanter fra fra ulike aktører i regionen.
Synergies are now frequently mentioned in both national and European policy documents and providing concrete input and recommendations hits the fundamental issue of actual operationalization that is also desired and demanded by stakeholders in these policy documents.
Basing the recommendations on experience in Arqus as well as input from various stakeholders has given a lot of attention to the project in Norway and the EU. Both national and international stakeholders have expressed interest in the recommendation and for implementing practices at their institutions. Participants in the European Universities Initiative have had the opportunity to share their experience with institutions that are not yet part of the initiative. It has also contributed to bridging silos between research and education at various levels.
By involving policy actors and funding agencies in the development of the recommendations we have contributed to increased commitment to this agenda. Additionally, the funding agencies involvement may potentially have a concrete impact on their policies and actions for contributing to stronger links between research and education in the longer term. It is still too early evaluate the full scope of potential impact of the project, however given the interest from relevant stakeholders it may lead to new practices in the future. It is expected that these recommendations will have an impact on the participants and their institutions competence, practice and in some cases even in the structural organization of services at some national institutions.
As we have received the manifestation of interest from European partners to have access to the recommendations, they have been translated and published in both Norwegian and English languages, and they are also important reference points in the ongoing evaluations of the European programmes.
Similarly, the work on stakeholder engagement in research and innovation agenda setting has been met with interest from stakeholders in the academic sector but also other relevant regional stakeholders in business and local government. In a broader context, UiB actionable knowledge is a priority at UiB and the project supported this agenda. It has also provided an important arena to address subjects such as how to facilitate cooperation and how to engage in mutual cooperation between researchers and non-academic stakeholders. The interdisciplinary approach provided a venue for mutual learning between academics, which potentially could lead to new practices through the new cooperation that has been established. The recommendations provide an important backdrop for the future development of this field at local and regional level. Furthermore, based on the international participation in the conference new research cooperation was established and further cooperation is currently being explored potentially leading to new activities.
The University of Bergen participates in the Arqus European University Alliance together with six other universities: Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon, Padova and Vilnius. This application builds on the H2020 Arqus R.I. project that aims to address current global societal challenges through intensified joint research. Arqus was first funded under the first pilot call under Erasmus+ in 2019 and the Horizon 2020 project further strengthens its research and innovation dimension, in synergy with the education mission.
Synergies between research and education and stakeholder involvement in research agenda are key priorities for the next European framework programmes and the recent communications on the European Research Area and the European Education Area. This project addresses these two pressing matters and it is divided in two tracks: one that focus in the overarching aim of the European Universities Initiative where these alliances are perceived as “test beds” and the second that it is directly linked to the work package led by UiB in Arqus R.I. and intends to enhance the engagement of Norwegian stakeholders in education, research and innovation in agenda setting. Supplementary funding would allow us to share best practices, outcomes and lesson learned from Arqus alliance and contribute to widening and strengthening the national impact of Norwegian participation in the European Universities Initiative. A national conference on stakeholders’ engagement will be an arena to test concrete tools for stakeholder involvement, to share and discuss current practices, barriers, best examples and, -to this end, - to emphasize and increase stakeholder’s importance (specifically citizens and students) in the co-creation of research and innovation agenda setting.
European Universities Outreach will extend its impact for Norway by disseminating and communicating their results and maximizing its effects in the Norwegian context.