The overall Greening Ports strategy is to introduce solutions testing mature key energy, infrastructure, mobility greening technologies and to demonstrate how these can be integrated and optimised to provide an emissions neutral port in a sustainable and transferable manner. To achieve this, Greening Ports has formed a European multidisciplinary team to work collaboratively, comprising of port authorities, transport & logistics service providers, technology providers and research organisations.
1.3.1 Greening Ports Overall Concept
The Greening Ports conceptual approach is structured around four integrated pillars (Figure 1) which correspond to the four Greening Ports core capabilities:
1. Clean Energy and Fuel Production, Storage & Distribution
2. Green Mobility and Synchromodality Optimisation
3. Green Port Vehicles and Equipment
4. Green Buildings and Infrastructure and Lifecycle CE Measures
The above four capabilities integrated in a system of systems digitalisation capability, the GP Digital Twin, provides the means for realizing a Green Port (GP), following an evolutionary and agile approach, that will be constantly conceiving, compiling, introducing and testing, and finally upgrading the Greening Ports innovations, through continuous feedback cycles.